This One's For Michelle
If anyone had any doubts about the feelings of those serving in the War on Terror regarding the Left's vicious attacks on Michelle Malkin, this email I received should explain things:

Any of you verminous peacenik pukes got a question for the Major?
In defense of Malkin vs. UC Santa Cruz
Before I manned the jet and flew yet another mission over Afghanistan (20.7hrs) I was able to write a few names on one of the 12 2000# face melting JDAM's we carry. I'm sending this your way from a real e-mail address before I send it "their" way from a fake one. Something tells me they won't like the picture.
Rocco--Thanks for the e-mail, the "tards" in UCSC are going to love this one.
C.L. Lucas
*Major, USAF*

Any of you verminous peacenik pukes got a question for the Major?
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