Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama's "Church" Writhes in the Sunlight

Just like any loathsome creature dragged out from under its rock and exposed to direct sunlight, the anti-American hate cult with which Barack and Michelle Obama have been associated for two decades (and have donated tens of thousands of dollars to) squirms in the light, trying to hide its true nature by crawling back under the rock.

From Politico:
Otis Moss III, the current pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, used his pulpit to defend his congregation and its past minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., from a wave of controversy stemming from inflammatory statements made by Wright.

"We have listened and watched as the wonderful work of our church has been vilified this week," he told about 3,000 congregants on Palm Sunday morning. "This week should be special for us because I guess we know a little something about crucifixion."
This might even be successful, if so many videos of Wright's racist, hatemongering "sermons" weren't available on the internet.

Oh look, here's one now.

Just words.

Jay at Stop the ACLU has more.