Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Gunmen in Black Kill Four at Montreal Campus (UPDATED)

From the Toronto Star:
MONTREAL — Up to three gunman dressed in black army fatigues opened fire in a downtown Montreal college Wednesday, and early, unconfirmed reports said four people had been killed.
RDI Television quoted unofficial sources as saying that 16 people may also been injured in the shootout. The network said one gunman had turned his weapon on himself and committed suicide, while a second had been shot and killed by police. This could not yet be confirmed.
Update: Forbes now reports that there was a single gunman, not two or three as initial reports said:
Police spokesman Ean Lafreniere said there was just one gunman at the school and the search for any others was over.

Martine Millette of the Montreal police said the gunman later shot himself. Constable Philippe Gouin said "in all probability, the suspect has committed suicide."