Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Aubenas Video Raises Questions

A video showing leftist French "journalist" Florence Aubenas making a direct plea to French MP Didier Julia was delivered anonymously to a news agency in Baghdad. Curiously, Aubenas, who writes in French, spoke English on the videotape:
"I am French. I am a journalist with Liberation. Please help me. My health is very bad. I'm very bad psychologically also," she pleaded in English on the undated video shown on Italian television.
Why make a tape in English to appeal to a French politician, especially this French politician who almost managed to get two other hostages killed?
Julia, whose two aides in his earlier failed mission are being investigated for endangering the lives of the two reporters later freed, told Sky Italia he needed the restrictions associated with that investigation to be lifted before he could act.
Will Aubenas be another leftist writer who reappears as Canadian Scott Taylor did, with no evidence other than her word that the hostage drama took place as she claims?