Thursday, August 11, 2005

9/11 Commission Knew About "Able Danger"

Earlier this week, 9/11 Commission spokesman Al Felzenberg claimed that the Commissioners were unaware that 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta and three of his accomplices were identified by the military intelligence group Able Danger in 1999 as potential terrorist threats. Information that was never shared with the FBI due to regulations in place restricting agencies from cooperation.

From the Associated Press:
WASHINGTON - The Sept. 11 commission knew military intelligence officials had identified lead hijacker Mohamed Atta as a member of al-Qaida who might be part of U.S.-based terror cell more than a year before the terror attacks but decided not to include that in its final report, a spokesman acknowledged Thursday.
What did Sandy Berger stuff down his pants?

The Sandy Berger pants incident of October, 2003, in which Berger removed classified documents from the National Archives by stuffing them down his pants, may have new significance with the Able Danger revelations.
Staff members now are searching documents in the National Archives to look for notes from the meeting in Afghanistan and any other possible references to Atta and Able Danger, Felzenberg said.
Berger admitted to destroying the documents he took.

Check Captain's Quarters for more information and links.