Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Much Sound and Fury From Galloway

Brit MP George Galloway, accused of accepting filthy lucre from Saddam in the oil-for-food scandal, has flown into a snit, blasting back at his accusers and challenging Senator Norm Coleman to a duel debate.

From the Guardian (UK):
Mr Galloway said that the debate was one of a number of options and a final decision had not been taken. "We want to take the fight to the enemy," he said. He expressed little confidence that Mr Coleman would agree to such a debate.
Finally, one of these anti-war wankers admits that he considers a US Senator, rather than terrorists, the enemy.

Galloway continued:
"If they say they are going to charge me I'll head for the airport and I'm calling for them to do so, begging them to do so," he said. "The charge against me in this sneak attack is that I lied under oath in front of the Senate when I went there in May and trounced this group of lickspittle pro-war Bushites. I am unequivocally stating here and now I'll head for Heathrow now, pausing only to pick up my toothbrush, if they will promise to charge me with perjury. It is very clear what they said, I lied under oath. It is a criminal offence which is what they told me when I swore the oath. It is put up or shut up time. See you in court Senator Coleman."
So there.

Update: Intrepid guerilla blogger Uncle Jimbo - Madison's Favorite Hawk, writes to provide this link to video and transcripts of questions he put to Mr. Galloway, after Uncle Jimbo crashed a press conference with, well, homemade press credentials.