Friday, November 18, 2005

Timing of Terrorist Attacks Suggests Coordination With Murtha's Defeatism

The day following John Murtha's cut-and-run speech calling for immediate US withdrawal from Iraq, terrorists launched soft target attacks against mosques and Western journalists. The timing is just too perfect to be coincidental. Anyone who's been paying attention knows that Al Qaeda terrorists follow Western mainstream media and time attacks for maximum propaganda effect. Murtha's defeatist speech seems to have been the signal for this attack.

From the Associated Press:
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Suicide bombers killed 74 worshippers at two Shiite mosques near the Iranian border Friday, while a pair of car bombs targeting a Baghdad hotel housing Western journalists killed eight Iraqis.
Furthermore, media characterizations of Murtha as "one of Congress' most hawkish" Democrats are disingenuous at best, and probably deliberately intended to be misleading. As this May 10, 2004 story from CNN shows (thanks to TDPB reader Rod Stanton for the link) Murtha has been predicting defeat for the US for over a year.

All this is not to say that Rep. Murtha bears any responsibility for the 82 reported deaths. But Murtha has provided our enemies with aid and comfort in the form of propaganda, while pursuing his own personal political advantage. He and other Democrats need to be aware when making wild, politically motivated claims that their audience is not limited to the United States.