Tuesday, May 02, 2006

MSM Openly Sides With Illegals

Hundreds of thousands march for immigrant rights

Most employers support rallies
Immigrant-rights boycotts concentrated in industries with mainly Latino workforces

Thousands join rally for immigrant rights

Note what all of these headlines have in common: the conflation of legal and illegal immigrants, as indicated by the phrase "immigrant rights". That phrase, as it applies to legal immigrants, is meaningless in the context of yesterday's protest activities.

Legal immigrants have specific legal rights and obligations, which are clearly spelled out in immigration regulations. Once a person becomes a US citizen, he or she is no longer an "immigrant", but a citizen of the United States of America on an equal footing with the bluest Mayflower bloodline.

By choosing to propagate this deliberate and obvious lie, the mainstream media have picked a side, and it isn't America's side.

Cross-posted at The Jawa Report, Stop the ACLU, and Vince Aut Morire.