Wednesday, November 15, 2006

New Senate Majority Leader Reid Now Focus of Abramoff Investigation

From ABC's The Blotter:
As convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff reported to federal prison today, a source close to the investigation surrounding his activities told ABC News that Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was one of the members of Congress Abramoff had allegedly implicated in his cooperation with federal prosecutors.

A spokesperson for Reid, elected yesterday as the Senate Majority Leader, said the senator had done nothing illegal or unethical.
Of course not, Harry's one of Pelosi's anti-corruption warriors now, just like Jack Murtha, William Jefferson, and Alcee Hastings.

Of course there's also this:
The AP also reported that Abramoff's billing records showed extensive contact with Reid's office over a three-year period in which Reid collected more than $68,000 from Abramoff's firm, partners and clients.
Funny how this sort of thing comes out post-election, when it's a Dem in the crosshairs, isn't it?

Update: In the "hoist by his own petard" category, Suitably Flip reminds us of this letter to President Bush, sent in January and still posted on Senator Reid's website, in which the senator says:
There is no reason to wait for indictments or convictions before the American people learn of the role Mr. Abramoff played in the Bush White House. We therefore call on you to make public as soon as possible an accounting of Mr. Abramoff’s personal contacts with Bush Administration officials and the official acts that may have been undertaken at his request.
Right back at ya, Harry. Certainly you won't be waiting for an indictment to give the American people a full accounting, will you?

Via Stop the ACLU.