Monday, May 21, 2007

Disney Reacts to Farfur, the Terrorist Mouse

Disney executives didn't react to the first postings of Farfur, the Hamas terrorist mouse, a clear ripoff of Mickey, because it wouldn't have made any difference:
"We didn't mobilize our forces and seek to either have the clip taken down or to make any broad public statement about it," Iger told a gathering of the Society of Business Editors and Writers at the Disneyland Hotel.

"We were appalled by the use of our character to disseminate that kind of message," he said "I think anytime any group seeks to exploit children in that manner, it's despicable."

Still, Iger said it didn't seem to make any sense for Disney to make any loud public statement at the time.

"I just didn't think it would have any effect," he said. 'I think it should have been obvious how the company felt about the subject."
And they're probably right.