Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Nazis and Fascists and Teabags, Oh My: Charles Johnson Beclowns Himself Again
Weasel Zippers discovers Little Green Footballs Loon-in-Chief pointing out a suspected Neo-nazi Flag at a Tea Party rally to his footlers:

It's the Tennessee state flag. Who knew that the entire state of Tennessee was filled with Nazis?
Get the entire hilarious play-by-play and Johnson's bleated protests at Weasel Zippers.
Thanks to Good Lieutenant of The Jawa Report.

It's the Tennessee state flag. Who knew that the entire state of Tennessee was filled with Nazis?
Get the entire hilarious play-by-play and Johnson's bleated protests at Weasel Zippers.
Thanks to Good Lieutenant of The Jawa Report.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Death Threat Against Repub Results in Arrest of Muslim Convert
A YouTube threat against Representative Eric Cantor has led to an arrest:
Michelle Malkin links to one of Leboon's YouTube accounts in which he claims to be the Mahdi.
A 33-year-old Pennsylvania man has been arrested for threatening to kill Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor, the number two Republican in the House of Representatives, the Justice Department announced Monday.Could it be this Norman Leboon?
Norman Leboon, a resident of Philadelphia, was charged in a two-count complaint with threatening to kill Cantor and his family. Leboon made the threat in a YouTube Internet video sent to Google earlier this month, according to a Justice Department news release.
One of the allegations against Verizon in the lawsuit is made by Philadelphia resident Norman LeBoon, who says after he read of the alleged surveillance of US citizens, he began asking Verizon if his landline communications were being shared. LeBoon says he eventually spoke with “Ellen” in Verizon customer service, who told him, “I can tell you, Mr. LeBoon, that your records have been shared with the government, but that’s between you and me.… They [Verizon] are going to deny it because of national security. The government is denying it and we have to deny it, too. Around here we are saying that Verizon has ‘plausible deniability.’”And is this longwinded loon, Norman Leboon Sr. who claims to be a Shia Muslim, one and the same?
Michelle Malkin links to one of Leboon's YouTube accounts in which he claims to be the Mahdi.
Never Fear, America's Media Watchdogs Lapdogs Are Here
From TV Newser:
This Thursday, CBS "Early Show" co-anchor Harry Smith will go one-on-one with Pres. Barack Obama in a court-side interview. Then, Smith and his CBS Sports colleague NCAA basketball analyst Clark Kellogg will shoot hoops with Obama on the White House basketball court.I'm so relieved that our intrepid puppet media journalists are on the job.
Monday, March 08, 2010
Massa: 'They Will Stop at Nothing'
Corning, NY Dem Eric Massa claims that top Democrat operatives are behind the ethics charges that forced him to announce his resignation. Massa says that he was targeted because he is a "no" vote on healthcare reform.
A New York lawmaker set to resign from Congress Monday accused Democratic leaders of using an investigation into a sexual harassment complaint to force him to step down before the House holds a close vote on health care legislation that Massa has opposed.More at Rochester's WHAM, including a non-working link to the full 90 minute interview.
“Now they’ve gotten rid of me and it will pass,” said Rep. Eric Massa, one of 39 Democrats who voted against an earlier version of the bill last year.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Report: American Traitor Adam Gadahn Arrested in Pakistan - Update: Not Gadahn?
Update II: The Voice of America reports that the captured al Qaeda is not Gadahn, but another American traitor:
Update: Via The Jawa Report, MSNBC confirms Gadahn's capture, and that means, it's Hammer Time:

From ABC News' The Blotter:
Pakistani officials said Monday the man they arrested recently in the southern port city of Karachi appears to be another American with the alias Abu Yahya Majadin al-Adam.While it's disappointing that Gadahn is still stealing oxygen, credit is still due to the Pakistanis, and to the Obama administration.
Update: Via The Jawa Report, MSNBC confirms Gadahn's capture, and that means, it's Hammer Time:

From ABC News' The Blotter:
Pakistani intelligence officers report that Gadahn was captured in Karachi within the past few days, but did not provide more details. U.S. officials have not yet confirmed the report.Here's one that should be hanged at high noon in Times Square.
Gadahn is wanted by U.S. authorities for treason, and has been on the most-wanted list for six years. There is $1 million reward for his caputure.
Saturday, March 06, 2010
Thursday, March 04, 2010
'Quid Pro Quo'
That's how liberal NPR commentator Juan Williams referred to Obama's nomination of Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. Matheson's brother Jim was among ten House healthcare "no" voters invited to the White House tonight for some legislative slap and tickle.
When a reliable tool like Williams won't even try to defend blatant vote-buying it doesn't leave much doubt:
We'll just have to wait and see how Jimmy votes now that Scotty is taken care of.
When a reliable tool like Williams won't even try to defend blatant vote-buying it doesn't leave much doubt:
Tonight, Barack Obama will host ten House Democrats who voted against the health care bill in November at the White House; he's obviously trying to persuade them to switch their votes to yes. One of the ten is Jim Matheson of Utah. The White House just sent out a press release announcing that today President Obama nominated Matheson's brother Scott M. Matheson, Jr. to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit.Representative Matheson's staff and the White House brand the allegations "ridiculous" and "absurd".
We'll just have to wait and see how Jimmy votes now that Scotty is taken care of.
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Another Day, Another NY Gubernatorial Clown Incident
Or, should that be "Goobernatorial?"
David Paterson's ethical challenges begin to approach the level of slapstick:
David Paterson's ethical challenges begin to approach the level of slapstick:
Gov. David A. Paterson violated state ethics laws when he secured free tickets to the opening game of the World Series from the Yankees last fall for himself and others, the New York State Commission on Public Integrity charged on Wednesday. The accusation came as the governor, already mired in scandal, met with his cabinet and insisted he would stay in office.Paterson back-dated the check? Are you effing kidding me?
In addition to violating the state’s ban on gifts to public officials, Mr. Paterson falsely testified under oath that he had intended to pay for the tickets for his son and his son’s friend, according to the commission. Mr. Paterson had never intended to pay for the tickets, the commission determined, and did so only after inquiries from the news media, after which he submitted a backdated check as payment.
Monday, March 01, 2010
Rare Caribbean Whale Beaching

I'm sure there's a pithy metaphor here somewhere, but it seems so unnecessary. Speaker Pelosi pointed out that, while Rangel may have possibly inadvertently without foreknowledge slightly bent ethics considerations, he DID NOT stomp any kittens or strangle any puppies while on his Caribbean fact-finding tour. Well, only one kitten and two puppies...
Image from the New York Post via Theodore's World.