Saturday, February 05, 2005

The Siren Song of the North

Slate Pressbox media critic Jack Shafer boldly asserts that American President George W. Bush and North Korean maximum leader Kim Jong-il are brothers under the skin when it comes to propaganda.

Most Americans are familiar with the type of information that comes to the media from White House press releases. But how many know the sophistication with which the regime of Kim Jong-il controls the populace and influences world opinion? The Dread Pundit Bluto has the answer to this burning question. Reproduced below is a brilliant example of the subtle, Machiavellian communiqués Kim Jong-il's Korean Central News Agency of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea uses to narcotize his people and seduce Westerners with the charms of his rule. Steel yourself. Easily influenced readers should perhaps look away.
Kim Jong Il's Songun Politics Favored
Pyongyang, February 4 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il's history of revolutionary activities was a course in which he has developed and enriched President Kim Il Sung's idea and glorified his cause. It was a brilliant history of creation in which he has performed enormous feats for the Korean nation and the world people with his distinguished political calibre.
Yes, the similarities between President Bush's public relations people and these North Korean word-wizards are undeniable.