Friday, March 24, 2006

Olbermann: ABC Exec Memo a Rovian Plot

Newsbusters has links to video of MSNBC's Keith Olbermann claiming that the White House is responsible for "leaking" an email, posted on The Drudge Report yesterday, in which ABC executive John Green says that the President makes him "sick", and that he might "puke".

Olbermann offered no evidence for his charge that the email had been leaked by the Administration, and referred to Matt Drudge as "infamous" and "deplorable". Olbermann didn't explain why, if his unsupported supposition were true, it would be a bad thing for the White House to seek to publicize the email, which implies a diseased and grossly biased corporate culture at one of the companies charged with using America's airwaves in the public interest.

Also posted at The Jawa Report.