Muslim Leader: Brits Are Nazis
Following the arrests of nine British Muslims accused of plotting to kidnap British Muslim soldiers and film their beheadings, Mohammad Naseem is accusing British authorities of creating a police state.
No kidding. He even says that British Muslims are being treated like Jews in Nazi Germany.
From Agence France Presse:
No kidding. He even says that British Muslims are being treated like Jews in Nazi Germany.
From Agence France Presse:
"The country is moving toward a police state. That's not right. We have to change this," he said inside the mosque, where some 2,000 Muslims gathered for weekly Friday prayers.Did radical Jews really march in the streets of Berlin carrying signs like this?
"We can change this for the better by coming together, not by coming apart. .. Remain calm, don't get angry. Anger is a natural emotion, but Muslims should control it. We must never give way to anger," he said...
"The German people were told the Jews were a threat. The same thing is happening here. The Muslims are now the bogey people," he said. "It's a small community. It's easy to pick on them. That's what's being done."

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