Thursday, November 15, 2007

Supporting the Troops Liberal Style

The Cambridge Election Commission has had Boy Scout donation boxes for the troops removed from polling stations because someone called to complain that they were "too pro-war." So much for the oft-repeated leftist lie that they "support the troops, but not their mission."

From Wicked Local Cambridge:
Marsha Weinerman, executive director of the city’s Election Commission, said the boxes were removed after a resident complained to commission workers about their implied “pro-war” message.

“We contacted the law department, and it was determined that the best course of action would be to remove the boxes,” Weinerman said.

In a column that appears in this week’s Chronicle, Troop leader Jamisean Patterson said the commission twice granted the scouts permission to set up the boxes at the polling stations.

“We have never seen anything like this decision in Cambridge before,” Patterson wrote. The city is changing for the worse if decisions like this are allowed to be made.”
Nothing gives a BDS-suffering lefty wood like screwing the troops and the Boy Scouts at the same time.

Hat tip: Jay at Stop the ACLU, who has video of local coverage.