Saturday, November 17, 2007

Gray Whore Does Her Best For Surrendercrats

In an unsigned editorial, the turncoats who make up the editorial board of the New York Times congratulate Congressional Democrats for once again stabbing American troops in the back:
It has been two long months since Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, cowed Congressional Democrats into silence, championing President Bush’s misguided course on the war. We’re pleased to see that the effects of his briefing are finally wearing off. The bad news, as ever, is that Mr. Bush and his Republican allies continue to resist reason.
General Petraeus...where have we heard that name before? Wasn't there something about a profoundly biased New York City Democratic house organ that approved a slanderous full page advertisement for a reduced price? Something about "BetrayUs," or some other fifth grade level pun?

And isn't the NYT the same publication that provided diagrams for Islamist jihadis showing them exactly where to shoot Marines to have the best chance to thwart their body armor? Does it seem like I'm questioning their patriotism? It should, because I am. The cowardly, treasonous assholes who sit on the NY Times' editorial board would like nothing better than to see a "surge" of Americans coming home from Iraq in body bags. That would help their political goals.

That's why they have made a habit of exposing secret programs designed to protect the US from terrorist attacks. That's why they deliberately tried to get more Americans killed by terrorist insurgents by posting .PDF files of body armor weak spots.

But, don't you dare question their patriotism.