Monday, July 31, 2006
Israelis End Unilateral Ceasefire (UPDATED)
From the Associated Press:
Update: Via Flopping Aces, AJ at The Strata-Sphere runs down the evidence pointing to a hoax by Hizballah, notably, "victims" already displaying rigor mortis and a strange absence of blood.
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israeli warplanes carried out airstrikes in southern Lebanon on Monday, hours after agreeing to temporarily halt raids while investigating a bombing that killed nearly 60 Lebanese civilians, mostly women and children seeking shelter.The quick resumption of aerial operations suggests that the Israeli investigation found exactly what The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler suggested: that Qana was a staged event, arranged by Hizballah for a credulous world press to lap up. The building in Qana was attacked between midnight and 1 AM local time, and collapsed seven to eight hours later, plenty of time for Hizballah to stuff the building with civilians, living or dead, then bring it down.
Update: Via Flopping Aces, AJ at The Strata-Sphere runs down the evidence pointing to a hoax by Hizballah, notably, "victims" already displaying rigor mortis and a strange absence of blood.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Jewish Center Assault Suspect Identified

The Seattle Times has identified the man arrested in the Jewish communicty center assault as Naveed Afzal Haq:
A law-enforcement source identified the arrested suspect as Naveed Afzal Haq, 30, who until recently had lived in Everett, and said Haq apparently has a history of mental illness. Court records show Haq has a charge of lewd conduct pending against him in Benton County.Oh yes, "Peace be unto you" unless you're a filthy infidel or dog of a Jew.
The shooting came a day after the FBI had warned Jewish organizations nationwide to be on alert after Hezbollah leaders in Lebanon and al-Qaida's second in command urged that the war raging in the Middle East be carried to the U.S. However, the law-enforcement source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said there is no evidence Haq was involved with any group.
Via The Jawa Report.
Muslim Said to Have Killed One at Seattle Jewish Center (Updated)
Update: Let's hope the following story is an urelated incident, and not an indication that Hizballah is activating cells in America. From The Galveston County Daily News:
SEATTLE - A man walked into a Jewish organization Friday afternoon and opened fire, killing one woman and injuring at least five others before he was arrested, officials said.Authorities haven't confirmed that the man is Muslim. Every day it gets harder for reasonable people to consider Islam the "Religion of Peace" instead of a dangerous and violent cult.
The gunman, who employees said claimed to be a Muslim angry at Israel, forced his way through the security door at the Jewish Federation after an employee had punched in her security code, said Marla Meislin-Dietrich, a co-worker who was not at the building at the time.
Staff members said they overheard him saying “’I am a Muslim American, angry at Israel,’ before opening fire on everyone,” Meislin-Dietrich said. “He was randomly shooting at everyone.”
Update: Let's hope the following story is an urelated incident, and not an indication that Hizballah is activating cells in America. From The Galveston County Daily News:

DICKINSON — A Dickinson man was recovering Wednesday from two gunshot wounds at a University of Texas Medical Branch hospital, where the man accused of shooting him practiced medicine.
Hospital spokeswoman Jennifer Reynolds-Sanchez said Dr. Wameeth Fadhli would not perform any clinical work while officials investigate the shooting of a 22-year-old bicyclist.
The younger man was riding his bicycle in the 3000 block of Avenue C just outside the city limits about 7:20 p.m. Tuesday when a green sport utility vehicle pulled alongside him, officials said
Witnesses told investigators the man was wearing what appeared to be surgical scrubs and was in the vehicle alone, said Maj. Ray Tuttoilmondo of the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office.
Friday, July 28, 2006
Press releases from US Central Command.
33 Terrorists killed:
33 Terrorists killed:
FOB KALSU, Iraq – Iraqi Security Forces and Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers engaged in a heated firefight with terrorists in Musayyib July 23.IEDs disarmed, terrorist detained:
Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, along with Iraqi army soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 8th Iraqi Army Division, Musayyib police officers, and members of Hillah SWAT, killed 33 terrorists during the day-long battle.
FOB LOYALTY, Iraq – Soldiers from 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, found three improvised-explosive devices and detained one terrorist Wednesday in eastern Baghdad.Al Qaeda terrorist captured:
BAGHDAD – Coalition forces successfully targeted and captured a wanted terrorist and another associate during a raid north of Tikrit July 27.Terrorists killed in failed ambush:
The targeted terrorist is a known leader of several al–Qaida in Iraq members in the area. Intelligence indicates that his group is responsible for an attack on a Government of Iraq checkpoint July 6, which killed nine Iraqi security forces and wounded 14 others.
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – Coalition forces killed three extremists today following a failed ambush on a civilian convoy in the Zhari district of Kandahar Province.These links are provided on the off-chance that our loyal, unbiased mainstream media somehow overlook them.
The extremists attacked from a compound as the convoy moved west on Highway 1 near the Zhari District Center at around 8:30 a.m.
Intelligence sources confirmed the exact location of the enemy compound, and Coalition forces engaged the compound with accurate artillery fire, killing three enemy fighters.
Penn & Teller Propose Twin Towers Memorials
This was posted a couple of days ago at The Jawa Report and somehow I missed it.
Hizballah Leader May Be Cowering In Iranian Embassy
From The Washington Times:
The Times story goes on to speculate on possible Israeli action (emphasis added):
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Intelligence reports indicate the leader of Hezbollah is hiding in a foreign mission in Beirut, possibly the Iranian Embassy, according to U.S. and Israeli officials.This may or may not be true, of course, as there are other reports of Nasrallah being spotted in Damascus, Syria.
The Times story goes on to speculate on possible Israeli action (emphasis added):
If confirmed, the reports could lead to an Israeli air strike on the embassy, possibly leading to a widening of the conflict, said officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Foreign embassies are sovereign territory and an attack on an embassy could be considered an act of war.But the converse is also true. If it's confirmed that the Iranians are allowing Nasrallah to coordinate military and propaganda actions from their embassy, which is sovereign Iranian territory, then the Iranians have committed an act of war against Israel.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Hizballah Was Using UN Post as Shield (Updated)
UN May Have Lied About Hizballah Activities
The Ottawa Citizen reports that an email from one of the United Nations observers killed by Israeli bombs told of Hizballah terrorists deliberately setting up firing positions near the UN post in order to use it as a shield. This directly contradicts UN statements that they observed no Hizballah activity in the area:
Update: Looks like this story is cracking open. Following up a tip from John at Stop the ACLU, Darth Misha of The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler examines a story in The New York Sun discussing the major discrepancies raised by the email.
The Ottawa Citizen reports that an email from one of the United Nations observers killed by Israeli bombs told of Hizballah terrorists deliberately setting up firing positions near the UN post in order to use it as a shield. This directly contradicts UN statements that they observed no Hizballah activity in the area:
"What I can tell you is this," he wrote in an e-mail to CTV dated July 18. "We have on a daily basis had numerous occasions where our position has come under direct or indirect fire from both (Israeli) artillery and aerial bombing.Of course, if the UN lied about Hizballah activity, that's small potatoes compared to nepotism, aid-skimming, and child rapes.
"The closest artillery has landed within 2 meters (sic) of our position and the closest 1000 lb aerial bomb has landed 100 meters (sic) from our patrol base. This has not been deliberate targeting, but rather due to tactical necessity."
Those words, particularly the last sentence, are not-so-veiled language indicating Israeli strikes were aimed at Hezbollah targets near the post, said Maj.-Gen. MacKenzie.
"What that means is, in plain English, 'We've got Hezbollah fighters running around in our positions, taking our positions here and then using us for shields and then engaging the (Israeli Defence Forces)," he said.
That would mean Hezbollah was purposely setting up near the UN post, he added. It's a tactic Maj.-Gen. MacKenzie, who was the first UN commander in Sarajevo during the Bosnia civil war, said he's seen in past international missions: Aside from UN posts, fighters would set up near hospitals, mosques and orphanages.
Update: Looks like this story is cracking open. Following up a tip from John at Stop the ACLU, Darth Misha of The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler examines a story in The New York Sun discussing the major discrepancies raised by the email.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Newspaper Publishes Anti-Israel Cartoon; Jews Don't Riot
The Norwegian daily Dagbladet recently published this cartoon by cartoonist Finn Graff, which caricatures Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert as an infamous Nazi concentration camp commander depicted in the film Schindler's List who shot random Jewish prisoners for sport.

Jewish citizens, while offended by the cartoon, are not rioting in Norway or elsewhere in the world, and no one has died as a result of the cartoon.
From Reuters:

Jewish citizens, while offended by the cartoon, are not rioting in Norway or elsewhere in the world, and no one has died as a result of the cartoon.
From Reuters:
The caricature by political cartoonist Finn Graff appeared on July 10 in the Oslo daily Dagbladet. It has prompted outrage among the country's small Jewish community and led the Simon Weisenthal Center to submit a protest to the Norwegian government.This is in sharp contrast to the behavior of Muslims worldwide, who touched off violent worldwide riots resulting in many deaths in the wake of the publication of cartoons by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Hooray For Pallywood
Watch and listen as Palestinians stage scenes of "oppression" for a credulous, and curiously incurious, mainstream media.
This is not a new video, but bears watching in light of the near certainty of similar mummery coming out of Lebanon today.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
This is not a new video, but bears watching in light of the near certainty of similar mummery coming out of Lebanon today.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
They Shoot Hizballah, Don't They?
Ignore the irony of Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni being interviewed by a reporter from the country that enabled the murder of six million Jews, and enjoy the relentless logic of Livni's plain-spoken replies. Here, Livni tells the Spiegel reporter, in effect, that Hizballah must cease to exist before there can be peace:
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report and Vince Aut Morire.
SPIEGEL: What is the goal of the military action?Pathetically, Livni must explain the difference between legitimate self-defense and terrorism for an increasingly stupid and disingenuous world audience:
Livni: It's not only about the goal of the military action but about the demands of the international community that we explicitly share. They are: there must be a government and an army in Lebanon. There can no longer be militias and terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah. Hezbollah must be completely disarmed. They should no longer have the ability to be armed by Syria and Iran. In southern Lebanon there can be no more Hezbollah bases. The Lebanese army must be stationed there in its place. The global community a while ago demanded that the Lebanese government fulfill its responsibilities. It hasn't yet done so.
SPIEGEL: How do you react to the massive international criticism of the many innocent victims?Translation for Monsieur Chirac of Fwance: "We're killing vicious terrorists who hide behind women and children, you effeminate dhimmi-monkey©. Duh."
Livni: I very much regret the civilian victims. But there is a very significant difference between us and our enemies: we are defending ourselves against anyone who attacks us and use every means possible to prevent hitting civilians. The Hezbollah, however, intentionally aims its weapons at the houses of uninvolved citizens, at women and children. Israel only attacks areas where, according to our knowledge, there are terrorists. The problem is that the Hezbollah hides some of its weapons in apartment houses.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report and Vince Aut Morire.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Another Clinton Haircut Fiasco
Jim Lynch at bRight & Early may have discovered a new artform. He juxtaposes stories of Hillary lying through her teeth about the "mess of the economy" with reports of the six grand she spent, from campaign funds, for haircuts and makeup.
Sock Puppetry, Glenn Greenwald, and the Gunning Fog Index
We all know what a sock puppet is in internet-speak, don't we? If I were to post a comment on a blog, sign it "Anonymous" or "Truth-teller", instead of "Bluto", and write that The Dread Pundit Bluto is the most magnificent intellect ever to grace the cyberworld; I would be using a sock puppet (and lying, of course...well, probably lying, but who really knows?).
The use of sock puppets is quite properly disdained by most regular internet users. It indicates a level of personal dishonesty that borders on the pathological and hampers debate and discussion. Ethical bloggers and internet commenters just don't use sock puppets when discussing serious issues.
Liberal blogger Glenn Greenwald has been accused of using sock puppets to bolster his stature at several conservative blogs. Greenwald denies using sock puppets here:
A person trying to pretend he is someone else may attempt to use different words and deliberate misspellings in his writing, but few people have even heard of the Gunning Fog Index, let alone how to write with the intent of scoring higher or lower on it.
I've applied the Gunning Fog Index to comments, allegedly from three different people, collected at Patterico's Pontifications, all defending Greenwald. The casual reader will note similarities of style. The Gunning Fog Index quantifies these similarities.
Comment from "Ellison" at Ace of Spades:
Comment from "Sam Matthews" at Riehl World View:
Comment from "Wilson" at protein wisdom:
These Gunning Fog scores cover a range of less than one full point. Random comments from different writers should yield a range of 3 points or greater, based on differing writing styles.
Taken by themselves, the similar Gunning Fog scores could be coincidental, but bloggers have tracked all three purportedly different people to Glenn Greenwald's IP address. Thus, the Gunning Fog Index scores are a corroborating indication that all three comments were written by the same person, if not Greenwald himself, then perhaps his domestic partner.
The use of sock puppets is quite properly disdained by most regular internet users. It indicates a level of personal dishonesty that borders on the pathological and hampers debate and discussion. Ethical bloggers and internet commenters just don't use sock puppets when discussing serious issues.
Liberal blogger Glenn Greenwald has been accused of using sock puppets to bolster his stature at several conservative blogs. Greenwald denies using sock puppets here:
Not frequently, I leave comments at blogs which criticize or respond to something I have written. I always, in every single instance, use my own name when doing so. I have never left a single comment at any other blog using any name other than my own, at least not since I began blogging.The Gunning Fog Index is a method of gauging readability used primarily by the adult literacy advocacy community. Writers can use the Index to construct copy appropriate to different reading levels. The Gunning Fog Index is, perhaps, the only way to mathematically quantify writing style. The Index is a formula using the variables of sentence length/construction and vocabulary to yield a numerical result that can be compared to other writing samples.
A person trying to pretend he is someone else may attempt to use different words and deliberate misspellings in his writing, but few people have even heard of the Gunning Fog Index, let alone how to write with the intent of scoring higher or lower on it.
I've applied the Gunning Fog Index to comments, allegedly from three different people, collected at Patterico's Pontifications, all defending Greenwald. The casual reader will note similarities of style. The Gunning Fog Index quantifies these similarities.
Comment from "Ellison" at Ace of Spades:
Greenwald only has a New York Times Best Selling Book on the Bush Administration and its abuses of power. And he has one of the most-read blogs on the Interent, after 9 months of blogging. And Senators read from his blog at Senate hearings and his posts lead to front-page news stories in major newspapers.Gunning Fog score: 8.48
Why would anyone think what he has to say matters? It's not like anyone listens to him. It's not like he's Ace, or Jeff Goldstein, or Patterico, or Sister Toldjah or Glenn Reynolds, or someone who really matters.
Great advice, you super-important bloggers should only to each other and about each other. Don't bother with anyone in the Left because if you ignore them, they'll just go away.
Comment from "Sam Matthews" at Riehl World View:
Greenwald's book has been on the N.Y. Times Best Seller List for 6 weeks now or more. He is a graduate of a top 5 law school and worked at the most prestigious law firm in the country. In 9 months, he's managed to become one of the most cited and heavily-trafficked bloggers on the internets. His posts have led to front page news articles and are read by U.S. Senators during Senate hearings.Gunning Fog score: 8.60
You-by your own account are a marketing and sales manager. And your favorite movie is Something About Mary.
Can't you just admit that you(and Patterico and Reynolds & Goldstein and the rest of your bitter insult-spewing irrelevant losers) are drowning in jealousy? It isn't pretty to watch. But it sure is obvious.
Comment from "Wilson" at protein wisdom:
Lets see, a New York Times bestselling book on executive authority. Breaks a story on his blog about wiretapping that leads to front-page stories on most major newspapers in the country. Russ Feingold reads from his blog during the Censure hearings.Gunning Fog score: 9.28
Maybe that has something to do with why. Any conservative bloggers with credentials like that? All compiled in 9 months or however long its been since he started blogging?
Jeffy’s funny poems are great and everything, and im sure your anonymous lawyer friends are really smart and all, but hard to say they compare to those things.
These Gunning Fog scores cover a range of less than one full point. Random comments from different writers should yield a range of 3 points or greater, based on differing writing styles.
Taken by themselves, the similar Gunning Fog scores could be coincidental, but bloggers have tracked all three purportedly different people to Glenn Greenwald's IP address. Thus, the Gunning Fog Index scores are a corroborating indication that all three comments were written by the same person, if not Greenwald himself, then perhaps his domestic partner.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
For all of you who assign grand, Machiavellian strategies to Hamas and its ilk, remember...this spastic goober is one of their leaders.
Thanks to Good Lt. at The Jawa Report for reminding me of this golden oldie.
Syria, Hizballah Decide They Want to Talk
Hizballah wants to talk:
Syria, Hizballah, and Hizballah founder Iran probably expected the United States to reign in Israel before much actual damage had been done to Hizballah. Now, they have apparently become alarmed at the amount of punishment Israeli airstrikes, artillery, and ground troops have inflicted.
The time for talks will come when the baby-hunting maggots of Hizballah are as close to extermination as Israel can accomplish.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Hizbullah agreed to allow the Lebanese government to begin negotiations regarding kidnapped IDF soldiers, according to speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri on Sunday afternoon.Hizballah sponsor Syria wants to talk:
DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Syria is willing to engage in dialogue with the United States to solve the confrontation between Hizbollah and Israel, Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al-Meqdad said on Sunday.When a gang of international Islamist terrorists and one of their sponsor states decide they want to talk about a ceasefire with Israel, it can mean only one thing - they are being badly pummeled.
Syria, Hizballah, and Hizballah founder Iran probably expected the United States to reign in Israel before much actual damage had been done to Hizballah. Now, they have apparently become alarmed at the amount of punishment Israeli airstrikes, artillery, and ground troops have inflicted.
The time for talks will come when the baby-hunting maggots of Hizballah are as close to extermination as Israel can accomplish.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
ACLU Teams Up With Westboro Baptist Hate Cult
You remember the fine folks of the Westboro Baptist Church, don't you? They're the ones who believe that Islamic jihad against America is God's judgement for tolerating homosexuals. Their chosen way to get the "word" out is to march at soldiers' funerals.

Missouri recently passed a law protecting the rights of soldiers' families to bury their dead in peace. But the American Civil Liberties Union doesn't think they deserve to do so. From The Wichita Eagle:

I support the Constitutional right to freedom of expression, but anyone with any common sense knows that it is not an absolute right. For example, I do not have the right to exhort people to murder the members of the Westboro Baptist Church or the ACLU.
The Westboro Baptist Church and the ACLU do not have a right to verbally assault and harrass the grieving families of fallen heroes.
Via Stop the ACLU.

Missouri recently passed a law protecting the rights of soldiers' families to bury their dead in peace. But the American Civil Liberties Union doesn't think they deserve to do so. From The Wichita Eagle:
Missouri's law bans picketing and protests "in front of or about" any church, cemetery or funeral establishment from an hour before a funeral begins until an hour after it ends. A number of other state laws and a federal law, signed in May by President Bush, bar such protests within a certain distance from a cemetery or funeral.
The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Jefferson City. It will test lawmakers' ability to target the Rev. Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church, constitutional scholars say.

I support the Constitutional right to freedom of expression, but anyone with any common sense knows that it is not an absolute right. For example, I do not have the right to exhort people to murder the members of the Westboro Baptist Church or the ACLU.
The Westboro Baptist Church and the ACLU do not have a right to verbally assault and harrass the grieving families of fallen heroes.
Via Stop the ACLU.
Indian Official Misleads Press About Blog Bannings
From the International Herald Tribune (emphasis added):
This seems to be a misguided attempt to minimize the extent of the ban, which Dr. Rusty Shackleford of The Jawa Report considers to be a symptom of radical Muslim influence on Indian government.
In an e-mail sent early Thursday, an official at the Consulate General of India in New York said that the order to block a handful of Web sites, including the popular, which hosts thousands of personal Web logs, had been prompted by the discovery of a Web site that contained "two impertinent pages" rife with material containing "extremely derogatory references to Islam."In fact, the Indians moved to block access not to "a web site", but to eighteen different web sites, resulting in Indian ISPs blocking thousands of blogspot and typepad blogs. Indian blogger Shivam Vij posts a scan of the official order naming the sites here.
In an effort to stave off sectarian violence, said the official, who was not authorized to speak to the press, India's Department of Telecommunications instructed Internet service providers to block access to the two pages.
This seems to be a misguided attempt to minimize the extent of the ban, which Dr. Rusty Shackleford of The Jawa Report considers to be a symptom of radical Muslim influence on Indian government.
Hizballah Websites Hosted by US Companies (Updated)
Internet Haganah, a site dedicated to exposing Islamist terrorist web resources, reports that Hizballah's primary websites are being hosted by American internet service providers; Alabanza, Inc., Baltimore, MD USA, and FastServers, Inc., Chicago, IL USA.
Internet Haganah knows which sites are Hizballah ("party of God", though truth in advertising laws would require them to call themselves "Hizbshaitan", "party of Satan") websites, because Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah listed them as such in a May 2004 document.
Internet Haganah traces the terrorist websites' American connections in detail.
Thanks to Dr. Rusty Shackleford of The Jawa Report.
Update: These companies may be in violation of US law.
From the US Department of State:
Internet Haganah knows which sites are Hizballah ("party of God", though truth in advertising laws would require them to call themselves "Hizbshaitan", "party of Satan") websites, because Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah listed them as such in a May 2004 document.
Internet Haganah traces the terrorist websites' American connections in detail.
Thanks to Dr. Rusty Shackleford of The Jawa Report.
Update: These companies may be in violation of US law.
From the US Department of State:
It is unlawful for a person in the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to knowingly provide "material support or resources" to a designated FTO [Foreign Terrorist Organization].And Hizballah is on the current list of FTOs:

Friday, July 21, 2006
Couric is Correct
Access Hollywood (via the Drudge Report) sniffs that Katie Couric refuses to visit the Middle East as part of her upcoming anchor duties at CBS:
A network anchor is a teleprompter reader. There was no reason for Brian Williams of NBC to spend a couple of days this week reading the teleprompter from the Middle East, rather than reading the teleprompter from NYC. It was transparent showmanship, designed to add synthetic drama to the tired old media format.
Katie Couric, who takes over the CBS Evening News in September told Access Hollywood that at this point, she would not venture into the Middle East hot spot.While I have little love for the grossly biased Katie, and less respect for her journalistic qualifications (basically, playing cutesie kitten on Today), Katie is absolutely correct in this decision, though not for the reason she states.
"I think the situation there is so dangerous, and as a single parent with two children, that's something I won't be doing," Katie said.
A network anchor is a teleprompter reader. There was no reason for Brian Williams of NBC to spend a couple of days this week reading the teleprompter from the Middle East, rather than reading the teleprompter from NYC. It was transparent showmanship, designed to add synthetic drama to the tired old media format.
Saddam Letter Follows Leftie Script
The New York Times reports that Saddam Hussein has written a 5,000 word letter at the urging of Ramsey Clark. In it, the Butcher of Baghdad expresses his solidarity with the American Left:
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
"People of America, the misfortunes that have afflicted you and afflicted our Arab nation and within it our heroic people — including the breakdown of America’s standing and reputation — were only caused by the reckless behavior of your government and by pressure from Zionism.It's uncanny how much ol' Saddam sounds like Michael Moore or Cindy Sheehan.
The massacres and blood that now flows in the streets and countryside of Iraq in torrents — the responsibility for that falls on America before all others."
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
India Blog Ban NOT Over
Though some have been reporting that the ban on blogs that print naughty things about Islamist terrorists has been lifted, in fact, the Indian government is threatening to punish ISPs for making the ban too broad. The ban was supposed to apply to 18 blogs identified as being disrespectful to Islam (i.e., blogs that oppose Islamist terrorism, like The Jawa Report). As initially enacted by the ISPs, the ban included all blogspot and typepad blogs, because some of the banned blogs used those services.
The latest from the Indian Department of Telecom (DoT) is a threat to punish ISPs for banning more than the eighteen blogs on the list. There is nothing indicating that they have come to their senses and realized that the ban itself is anti-democratic and moreover, actually boosts traffic to the blogs banned.
From an Indian Department of Telecom press release (emphasis added):
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
The latest from the Indian Department of Telecom (DoT) is a threat to punish ISPs for banning more than the eighteen blogs on the list. There is nothing indicating that they have come to their senses and realized that the ban itself is anti-democratic and moreover, actually boosts traffic to the blogs banned.
From an Indian Department of Telecom press release (emphasis added):
The Department of Telecom (DoT) has instructed all the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the country to block only the specified website/webpages on the parent website. The DoT, in its letter issued to all the ISPs has mentioned that it had come to notice that in some cases the parent website had been blocked in contravention to what was stated in its earlier order dated 13th July 2006 whereby it ordered the ISPs to block certain websites/webpages.The DoT should offer an explanation to the free world as to why India should not be considered a backward and repressive oligarchy, since the DoT has decided to restrict Indian citizens' freedom of speech and expression.
As such the DoT has now directed all the ISPs to strictly comply with the order dated 13th July 2006 and provide unhindered access to Internet except for the websites/webpages which have been specifically mentioned in its orders issued from time to time.
The DoT has further sought explanation from the erring ISPs as to why action be not taken against them for blocking unintended websites/webpages.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
ACLU and U.N. Team Up Against U.S.
Crossposted from Stop the ACLU
ACLU Website:
No, the ACLU should be ashamed of itself. The review by the Human Rights Committee which includes member states Cuba, Saudi Arabia and China ,and ensures that violaters are included, is a joke and nowhere near accurate.
And this is the organization that the ACLU want to hold the U.S. accountable to? The ACLU, and the U.N. are the two most dangerous organizations in the world. They are both seeking to destroy America’s credibility and soverignty. The U.N. are a corrupt joke when it comes to human rights, and they have absolutely zero credibility to make any judgement on America in that area.
The ACLU, who provided the list called "Dimming the Beacon of Freedom", to this corrupt organization that can't even clean up its own human rights violations are an embarrassement to this great nation. It is shameful that their list included our efforts to spy on the enemy, protect our borders, and several other accusations without evidence. I also wonder if their accusation to "abuse" of women in prison would be not providing them with abortions at the expense of taxpayers.
Besides the issues within our own judicial system and its decay, the ACLU is also turning to international sources to undermine our nation's sovereignty and national security.
Romero, of course, makes the United States sound like some rogue nation with no regard for human rights, not the beacon of liberty that so many have come to escaping from tyranny and the bonds of oppression.
All of this should concern you. You may think that it doesn't directly affect you in your everyday life, but it will eventually. The ACLU's embrace of international law seeks to hypocritically do the opposite of what the ACLU claim to protect, and the Constitution forbids; prohibit the free exercise of religion.
The ACLU's actions are a direct threat to our very freedom of speech, religious exercise, security, and soverignity. In some countries, laws are being pushed, and in some cases, enacted that essentially criminalize forms of religious speech and activity that does not affirm homosexual behavior.
If we are going to turn the interpretation of our laws to international jurisprudence, and decisions of foreign courts, judges, and legislatures, the question begs...why did we fight a war of independence? If the ACLU are successful in their agenda for international law, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution will eventually become irrelevant documents. More and more of America's freedoms, and our very soverignty will be sacrificed for international law. Our freedoms will vanish. The ACLU's vision of freedom that includes the public sale of child pornography, the silencing of churchs and ministries, and unlimited abortion and euthanasia will replace them. To many Americans, these sound more like human rights violations than anything on the ACLU's list.
On October 27, 1787, Alexander Hamilton predicted that a “dangerous ambition” would one day tyrannize the gangling young American Republic, all the while lurking “behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people.” It could almost be said that Hamilton had a prophecy of the ACLU.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay or Gribbit. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.
ACLU Website:
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND -- A United Nations human rights body expressed grave concerns today about the record of human rights in the United States. The American Civil Liberties Union with a delegation of 10 and working with a broad coalition of other groups is in Geneva to monitor the examination of the United States the U.N. Human Rights Committee (HRC).
In a two-day session that concluded today, the committee members pressured the United States for answers on the following issues:
The sentencing of children to life without parole and the disproportionate incarceration of minorities;
The militarization of the border;
The failure to prevent human rights violations and respond in a non discriminatory manner to Hurricane Katrina;
The failure to end racial profiling practices, specifically the profiling of South Asian convenience store employees in Georgia;
Warrantless spying on ordinary Americans;
The abuse of women in prison; and
The indefinite detention, rendition and torture of non-citizens.
“The U.S. should be ashamed of itself,” said Ann Beeson, Director of the ACLU’s Human Rights Program. “The review by the Human Rights Committee was a stark and all too accurate condemnation of the state of rights in America.”
No, the ACLU should be ashamed of itself. The review by the Human Rights Committee which includes member states Cuba, Saudi Arabia and China ,and ensures that violaters are included, is a joke and nowhere near accurate.
Jim Hoft has covered this well.
Religious persecutors, Womens Rights violators, Communist Regimes, and illegal organ harvesters will make up the new UN Human Rights Council.
And this is the organization that the ACLU want to hold the U.S. accountable to? The ACLU, and the U.N. are the two most dangerous organizations in the world. They are both seeking to destroy America’s credibility and soverignty. The U.N. are a corrupt joke when it comes to human rights, and they have absolutely zero credibility to make any judgement on America in that area.
The ACLU, who provided the list called "Dimming the Beacon of Freedom", to this corrupt organization that can't even clean up its own human rights violations are an embarrassement to this great nation. It is shameful that their list included our efforts to spy on the enemy, protect our borders, and several other accusations without evidence. I also wonder if their accusation to "abuse" of women in prison would be not providing them with abortions at the expense of taxpayers.
Besides the issues within our own judicial system and its decay, the ACLU is also turning to international sources to undermine our nation's sovereignty and national security.
For instance, the ACLU filed a formal complaint with the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention against the United States, stating that the United States violated international law when it detained 765 Arab Americans and Muslims for security reasons after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on our nation. Eventually, 478 were deported. ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said, "With today's action, we are sending a strong message of solidarity to advocates in other countries who have decried the impact of U.S. policies on the human rights of their citizens. We are filing this complaint before the United Nations to ensure that U.S. policies and practices reflect not just domestic constitutional standards, but accepted international human rights principles regarding liberty and its deprivations." Source
Romero, of course, makes the United States sound like some rogue nation with no regard for human rights, not the beacon of liberty that so many have come to escaping from tyranny and the bonds of oppression.
All of this should concern you. You may think that it doesn't directly affect you in your everyday life, but it will eventually. The ACLU's embrace of international law seeks to hypocritically do the opposite of what the ACLU claim to protect, and the Constitution forbids; prohibit the free exercise of religion.
In spring 2003, a group from the United Nations Human Rights Commission, of which former ACLU officials Paul Hoffman and John Shattuck are a part, met and discussed a resolution to add "sexual orientation" to the UNHRC's discrimination list. Homosexual activists at the meeting called for a "showdown with religion," clearly intending to use international law to silence religious speech that does not affirm homosexual behavior. Source
The ACLU's actions are a direct threat to our very freedom of speech, religious exercise, security, and soverignity. In some countries, laws are being pushed, and in some cases, enacted that essentially criminalize forms of religious speech and activity that does not affirm homosexual behavior.
If we are going to turn the interpretation of our laws to international jurisprudence, and decisions of foreign courts, judges, and legislatures, the question begs...why did we fight a war of independence? If the ACLU are successful in their agenda for international law, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution will eventually become irrelevant documents. More and more of America's freedoms, and our very soverignty will be sacrificed for international law. Our freedoms will vanish. The ACLU's vision of freedom that includes the public sale of child pornography, the silencing of churchs and ministries, and unlimited abortion and euthanasia will replace them. To many Americans, these sound more like human rights violations than anything on the ACLU's list.
On October 27, 1787, Alexander Hamilton predicted that a “dangerous ambition” would one day tyrannize the gangling young American Republic, all the while lurking “behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people.” It could almost be said that Hamilton had a prophecy of the ACLU.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay or Gribbit. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.
The Pirate Armada Declares War on India
The Dread Pundit Bluto, Grand Admiral of The Pirate Armada, has issued a Declaration of War against the state of India, following the internet banning of the URLs of several members of the Armada and the Blogfather, Dr. Rusty Shackleford of The Jawa Report.
Text of Declaration follows:
May God grant the Indians mercy, for the Armada shall not.
Text of Declaration follows:
May God grant the Indians mercy, for the Armada shall not.
Terrorist Sympathizers Demonstrate in NYC

Reuters has more photos of Hezbollah terrorist sympathizers demonstrating outside the Israeli consulate, while the Associated Press reports that the Federal Bureau of Investigation is increasing its surveillance of Hezbollah. These photos are a good place for the G-Men to start.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Joe Klein Thinks You're Stupid
In fact, Joe Klein thinks that everybody in the world is stupid except for himself, and those who agree with him. How else to explain Klein's latest, self-contradictory partisan potshot at the Bush Administration?
Klein wants the US deeply involved in the current war between Israel and Iranian/Syrian-backed terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas. It matters not to Monsieur Klein that past involvement has accomplished little more than to get America branded "Great Satan" and made the target of terrorist attacks beginning early in the Clinton Administration, as well as emboldening and empowering terrorist thugs like Hamas. Like a good liberal, Klein judges intentions more than results, and prefers to treat symptoms while allowing the underlying disease to fester.
But before Klein gets to his crackpot criticism of Bush's hands-off approach to the current conflict, Klein obligingly explains why Klein is full of crap:
The inescapable conclusion is that Klein thinks you are too stupid to realize that he has mortally weakened his own argument, and he might as well make himself boil in his pants by throwing some gratuitous insults at the President. That's what thinking of yourself as an elite will do for you.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Klein wants the US deeply involved in the current war between Israel and Iranian/Syrian-backed terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas. It matters not to Monsieur Klein that past involvement has accomplished little more than to get America branded "Great Satan" and made the target of terrorist attacks beginning early in the Clinton Administration, as well as emboldening and empowering terrorist thugs like Hamas. Like a good liberal, Klein judges intentions more than results, and prefers to treat symptoms while allowing the underlying disease to fester.
But before Klein gets to his crackpot criticism of Bush's hands-off approach to the current conflict, Klein obligingly explains why Klein is full of crap:
If this was an Ahmadinejad ploy, it might well backfire. The Israeli response has seriously damaged Lebanon economically. The Lebanese patchwork of constituencies that governs the country may now conclude that it can no longer tolerate a heavily armed Hizballah substate in the south. And if it can be proved that Iran instigated the mess, the members of the U.N. Security Council might be nudged toward a tougher stance on the nuclear issue—and the threat of international sanctions, which could have terrible consequences for Iran's oily economy.Now, a writer driven by intellect, rather than emotion, would have looked at this half paragraph and concluded that it argued convincingly against his own thesis. And, once that was realized, this not-Klein might have decided that it was mind-numbingly stupid to continue to attack a foreign policy tactic obviously based on this same analysis.
The inescapable conclusion is that Klein thinks you are too stupid to realize that he has mortally weakened his own argument, and he might as well make himself boil in his pants by throwing some gratuitous insults at the President. That's what thinking of yourself as an elite will do for you.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Monday, July 17, 2006
ACLU, Missouri Dems File Suit to Protect Voter Fraud
From The Kansas City Star:
There is no honest reason to oppose the law. No minority group will be prevented from voting. No financial burden will be placed on anyone who wants to vote, but lacks ID. The only reason to oppose the law is to ensure that voter fraud can occur, by allowing felons, illegal aliens, and the dead to cast ballots.
The opposition by Missouri Democrats and the American Civil Liberties Union is in bad faith and a tacit admission that they are proponents of fixing elections through the use of voter fraud.
Via Stop the ACLU.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Democratic officials from St. Louis and Kansas City sued the state Monday, trying to block a new Republican-backed law requiring voters to show photo identification from taking effect for the November election.Those lacking a photo ID can still cast provisional ballots, which will count officially so long as their signatures match those on file. The law also provides for free photo IDs to be issued to any legitimate voter who lacks one.
Republican Gov. Matt Blunt signed the law about a month ago, praising it as a way to build public trust in elections. The measure requires voters to show a photo identification issued by Missouri or the federal government, such as a driver's license, to cast a regular ballot.
There is no honest reason to oppose the law. No minority group will be prevented from voting. No financial burden will be placed on anyone who wants to vote, but lacks ID. The only reason to oppose the law is to ensure that voter fraud can occur, by allowing felons, illegal aliens, and the dead to cast ballots.
The opposition by Missouri Democrats and the American Civil Liberties Union is in bad faith and a tacit admission that they are proponents of fixing elections through the use of voter fraud.
Via Stop the ACLU.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Ramming Speed: Heroism and Humility
Hart Seely, writing for the Syracuse Post-Standard, brings us a type of journalism from Iraq that has been all too rare as he describes a wild chase and firefight that ocurred in January, and lead to medals for members of the 10th Mountain Division:
Before the terrorists could make their escape onto a four-lane highway, where their vehicle would be able to outrun the heavily armored Humvee, the driver was given the order to ram the terrorists. He did. Twice.
The soldiers downplay their courage:
If this is the kind of journalism you want to support, register for the Iraq forum here and let them know.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report and Vince Aut Morire.
Then came a moment the soldiers still cannot fathom. They saw the muzzle of a machine gun sprout from the sedan's side window. They heard a burst of bullets, and they saw a group of small children scatter and fall to the ground.It probably wasn't a mistake.
To this day, they do not know why the insurgents fired on the school. It might have been a diversionary tactic. It might have been a mistake.
Before the terrorists could make their escape onto a four-lane highway, where their vehicle would be able to outrun the heavily armored Humvee, the driver was given the order to ram the terrorists. He did. Twice.
The soldiers downplay their courage:
"I look at the men who landed at D-Day," he said. "Some of them came away without any medals at all. Compared to that, what did I do? I got shot at for a while, chased some guys down and killed them. Compared to storming the beaches at Normandy? It pales in comparison. But at the same time, I'm proud of the award."Read the whole thing here.
If this is the kind of journalism you want to support, register for the Iraq forum here and let them know.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report and Vince Aut Morire.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Lebanese Government May Join Fight Against Hezbollah
The elected government of Lebanon was not strong enough to enforce their requests that Hezbollah disarm. Now it appears that, with Israel's help, that goal may be accomplished.
Trying to defuse the crisis, Lebanon’s prime minister indicated he might send his army to take control of southern Lebanon from Hezbollah guerrillas — a move that might risk civil war. In a more ominous sign that the struggle could spread, Israel accused Iran of helping fire a missile that damaged an Israeli warship, a charge Iran denied.I give NBC credit for reporting on their Nightly News broadcast Thursday that many Lebanese are hostile to Hezbollah, unlike the Palestinians, who have embraced Hamas the same way the Germans embraced Hitler in the 1930s.
The elected government of Lebanon was not strong enough to enforce their requests that Hezbollah disarm. Now it appears that, with Israel's help, that goal may be accomplished.
Friday, July 14, 2006
NYT Alleges Receiving Envelope With 'White Powder'
From Reuters:
For a publication that routinely betrays its country, such a hoax would be small potatoes indeed.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report, Stop the ACLU, and Vince Aut Morire.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The New York Times said on Friday it was investigating an envelope received at the paper containing white powder, raising fears of a possible recurrence of anthrax-tainted letters sent to newsrooms and other offices in late 2001.Philadelphia isn't much of a road trip from Manhattan. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that one of the Gray Slut's executives sent the envelope in an effort to establish victim status to counter the criticism the Times has received following their efforts to cripple US counter-terrorism programs.
For a publication that routinely betrays its country, such a hoax would be small potatoes indeed.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report, Stop the ACLU, and Vince Aut Morire.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
First Iraqi Province Transferred to Iraqi Control
CENTCOM has released a statement by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and Gen. George Casey announcing the first Iraqi province to come under total Iraqi control::
BAGHDAD – Iraq witnessed a historic event today with the transfer of security responsibility in Muthanna Province from the Multi-National Force - Iraq (MNF-I) to the Provincial Governor and civilian-controlled Iraqi Security Forces. The handover represents a milestone in the successful development of Iraq’s capability to govern and protect itself as a sovereign and democratic nation. Muthanna is the first of Iraq’s 18 provinces to be designated for such a transition.Muthanna's security had been handled by British and Australian Coalition forces.

American Criminal Liberties Union
From Stop the ACLU:
Make sure to read the lengthy yet well researched post in full at Stop The ACLU
“Deprivation of an individual’s physical freedom is one of the most severe interferences with liberty that the state can impose. Moreover, imprisonment is harsh, frequently counterproductive, and costly.” This explains why the ACLU holds that “a suspended sentence with probation should be the preferred sentence, to be chosen generally unless the circumstances plainly call for greater severity.” The Union favors alternative sentencing and lists the reintegration of the offender into the community as “the most appropriate correctional approach.” Here’s the clincher: “probation should be authorized by the legislature in every case and exceptions to the principle are not favored.” Prior to 1991, when this policy was revised, the Union said that only such serious crimes as “murder or treason” should qualify as exceptions. The explicit referencing of those two crimes was deleted because of the public embarrassment it caused the organization.
Make sure to read the lengthy yet well researched post in full at Stop The ACLU
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Schieffer Making Couric Promos

In just a few weeks I'll be returning to Washington and CBS will be pleased to welcome my colleague Katie Couric to the anchor chair...

...Katie has really paid her dues since breaking through into journalism...'ll find Katie to be professional, unbiased, and eager to provide you with fair and balanced coverage. I make these statements of my own free will under no threat of coercion.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Gitmo Detainees Abused Attorney-Client Privilege in Suicide Plot
Of course, it's a sign that we have too many stupid people and lawyers in this country that terrorists actually have attorney-client privilege, but that's another story.
From the Washington Post:
Of course, defense counsel doesn't want anything to interfere with their mission of undermining the military, freeing dangerous lunatic terrorists, and ensuring that the US suffers further terrorist attacks:
Via Stop the ACLU.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
From the Washington Post:
Three suicides at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, may have been part of a broader plot by detainees who were using confidential lawyer-client papers and envelopes to pass handwritten notes their guards could not intercept, according to documents that government lawyers filed yesterday in federal court.It's just awful that these poor captured terrorists have to go through such tribulations just to find out how to hang themselves. I think that Gitmo authorities should show some humanity and provide the others with pre-tied nooses and instructions on how to use them.
Detainees could apparently hide documents in their cells -- including instructions on how to tie knots and a classified U.S. military memo regarding cell locations of detainees and camp operational matters at Guantanamo -- by keeping the materials in envelopes labeled as lawyer-client communications. Notes that investigators found after the suicides on June 10 were apparently written on the back of notepaper stamped "Attorney Client Privilege," which allowed detainees to communicate secretly without interference, according to government officials.
Of course, defense counsel doesn't want anything to interfere with their mission of undermining the military, freeing dangerous lunatic terrorists, and ensuring that the US suffers further terrorist attacks:
Defense lawyers for Guantanamo detainees said that their clients are closely monitored and should have no way to pass such notes, and that the filing yesterday is designed to complicate their efforts.These disgraceful, renegade shysters should be encouraged to do the right thing, as well.
Via Stop the ACLU.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Chechen Terrorist Child Murderer Killed
MSNBC prefers to call Shamil Basayev a "warlord", I think it's more than appropriate to refer to the monster who orchestrated notorious terrorist attacks, including the Beslan school massacre of 2004, as a "terrorist":
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
MOSCOW - Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev, the purported author of modern Russia’s worst terrorist attacks, has been killed, the head of the Federal Security Service said Monday.For once I have to agree with Russian president Vladimir PUtin, who called Basayev's extermination "deserved retribution".
Basayev, 41, claimed responsibility for some of Russia’s worst terror attacks, including the seizure of some 800 hostages in a Moscow theater in 2002, the 2004 school hostage taking in Beslan that killed 331, and the seizure of about 1,000 hostages at a hospital in Budyonnovsk that killed about 100.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Liberal Sensibilities
Jeff Goldstein at protein wisdom was recently subjected to some choice words and thinly veiled threats from a commenter, outraged by Goldstein's conservative viewpoint:
Frisch claims to have resigned her position, following angry emails to her department head, and is hoping to claim martyr status. Coincidentally, Goldstein's blog is down under two simultaneous Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.
Apparently, some folks on the Left are hoping to cover Frisch's tracks.
Ooh. Two year old boy. Sounds hot. You live in Colorado, I see. Hope no one Jon-Benets your baby.And, apparently just to clarify, the commmenter continued:
Are you still married to the woman you humped to produce the toddler?
I reiterate: If some nutcase kidnapped your child tomorrow and did to her what was done to your fellow Coloradan, Jon-Benet Ramsey, I wouldn’t give a damn.You may be wondering what kind of psychopath would write such things. This one is named Deborah Frisch, and Deb is a psychology professor at the University of Arizona.
Frisch claims to have resigned her position, following angry emails to her department head, and is hoping to claim martyr status. Coincidentally, Goldstein's blog is down under two simultaneous Denial of Service (DOS) attacks.
Apparently, some folks on the Left are hoping to cover Frisch's tracks.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Another Al Qaeda Plot Foiled
From MSNBC:Traitors Journalists at The al Qaeda New York Times will reveal top secret details about the methods used to detect the plot and plotters.
NEW YORK - Authorities have disrupted an al-Qaida terrorist plot to attack the train tunnels beneath the Hudson River that carry thousands of commuters between New York and New Jersey every day, the FBI announced Friday.Coming soon:
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Fwench Puzzled by July 4th Flags
From Agence France Presse:
The real problem is that the tri-color is most familiar to the French (those few who choose to serve it, when outlanders still can be enticed to join the Foreign Legion) as a rallypoint to mark the extent of the latest retreat. Or perhaps on letterhead detailing a special, secret business arrangement with Saddam Hussein.
It seems that the once-great French nation has never truly recovered from the shame of Vichy France and the collaboration epidemic.
Quelle dommage.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
It's a true epidemic: the red, white and blue, stars-and-stripes banners are everywhere in the United States - on house facades, front lawns, cars and clothes.I feel your pain, Bernard-Henri. The French tri-color is, at best, an uninspired design, but that's not the real problem.
"It's a little strange, this obsession of the flag," French author Bernard-Henri Levy wrote after traveling across the country.
"Everywhere, in every form, flapping in the wind or on stickers, an epidemic of flags that has spread throughout the city," Levy wrote in "American Vertigo" of the riot of banners he saw.
The real problem is that the tri-color is most familiar to the French (those few who choose to serve it, when outlanders still can be enticed to join the Foreign Legion) as a rallypoint to mark the extent of the latest retreat. Or perhaps on letterhead detailing a special, secret business arrangement with Saddam Hussein.
It seems that the once-great French nation has never truly recovered from the shame of Vichy France and the collaboration epidemic.
Quelle dommage.
Cross-posted at The Jawa Report.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Independence Day

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident:
That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and, when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing, with manly firmness, his invasions on the rights of the people.
He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining, in the mean time, exposed to all the dangers of invasions from without and convulsions within.
He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.
He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.
He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislatures.
He has affected to render the military independent of, and superior to, the civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution and unacknowledged by our laws, giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:
For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us;
For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states;
For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world;
For imposing taxes on us without our consent;
For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury;
For transporting us beyond seas, to be tried for pretended offenses;
For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies;
For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments;
For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands.
He has excited domestic insurrection among us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes, and conditions.
In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nor have we been wanting in our attentions to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity; and we have conjured them, by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends.
We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the good people of these colonies solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved; and that, as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.
[Signed by] JOHN HANCOCK [President]
New Hampshire
Massachusetts Bay
Rhode Island
New York
New Jersey
CHARLES CARROLL of Carrollton.
North Carolina
South Carolina
On this day we commemorate the heritage bequeathed to all Americans by the imagination, the intelligence, the thirst for justice, and the courage of our founding fathers.
Start the parades, fire up the barbecues, cue the fireworks...celebrate and remember.