Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
What Happens in Teheran, Stays in Teheran
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's clownishness at Columbia is merely another form of camouflage for this:
Thanks to Azarmehr, who exposes a fluff piece on Iran by NBC's Richard Engel: " can ski in the mountains, you can scuba dive in the south!"
Hey, lots of swingers in Iran, eh, Dicky?
Thanks to Azarmehr, who exposes a fluff piece on Iran by NBC's Richard Engel: " can ski in the mountains, you can scuba dive in the south!"
Hey, lots of swingers in Iran, eh, Dicky?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
More Shenanigans From Reuters
In the sixth paragraph of this article it's finally revealed that the "witness" in the headline is Noor Mohammad Sherzai. But it's not the first mention of Sherzai's name - that would be in the byline. Sherzai quotes himself as the "witness" in his own story!

Another vexing question: how did this local, hired as a "journalist" by Reuters, just happen to be at the exact spot multiple suicide bombers attacked a moving American convoy? Shouldn't Reuters have instituted a no-more-jihadis hiring rule after their photographer Adnan Hajj got caught doctoring photographs during the Hizbollah-Israeli conflict?
And finally, does no one at the Washington Post bother to read this drivel before publishing, or do they just assume their readers are too stupid to remember the name of the "reporter" after six paragraphs?
Via The Jawa Report.

Another vexing question: how did this local, hired as a "journalist" by Reuters, just happen to be at the exact spot multiple suicide bombers attacked a moving American convoy? Shouldn't Reuters have instituted a no-more-jihadis hiring rule after their photographer Adnan Hajj got caught doctoring photographs during the Hizbollah-Israeli conflict?
And finally, does no one at the Washington Post bother to read this drivel before publishing, or do they just assume their readers are too stupid to remember the name of the "reporter" after six paragraphs?
Via The Jawa Report.
Soros' Pet NASA Global Warming 'Scientist'
James Hansen has made a career of global warming alarmism, complaining that he is being muzzled by the Bush administration (despite his participation in over 1400 interviews).
Hansen's compromise by billionaire George Soros was revealed in a Monday editorial by Investor's Business Daily about Soros' secretive efforts to subvert public policy:
Hansen's compromise by billionaire George Soros was revealed in a Monday editorial by Investor's Business Daily about Soros' secretive efforts to subvert public policy:
How many people, for instance, know that James Hansen, a man billed as a lonely "NASA whistleblower" standing up to the mighty U.S. government, was really funded by Soros' Open Society Institute , which gave him "legal and media advice"?Hansen first sounded the climate change tocsin in 1971, when his computer model predicted a coming ice age.
That's right, Hansen was packaged for the media by Soros' flagship "philanthropy," by as much as $720,000, most likely under the OSI's "politicization of science" program.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
ACLU: Privacy Protectors Or Privacy Violators?
Crossposted from Stop The ACLU
Recently, the ACLU set their doomsday clock at six minutes before midnight! Once it reaches the ‘dark hour’ of midnight…we will be slaves to the ominous and evil ’surviellance society’. This isn’t science fiction. This is typical scare tactics from the ACLU.
They prey upon the paranoid. This is how they get donations to fund their machine. They cry about "American citizens being spied upon" when in fact there is no evidence that anyone has been hurt by the government's terrorist surviellance program.
While the ACLU cry that they are the guardian's of liberty, and that privacy is one of those liberties....they have been exposed as being violators of that very liberty. They have a massive database of their own member's private financial information they use for soliciting donations.
Now the ACLU are proudly defending Rep. Larry Craig on grounds of privacy. In another recent case they are defending a "pre-operative transsexual" anatomically male's "right" to use the female public restroom. Terrence Jeffrey calls out the 'privacy hypocrisy' on this one.
Indeed. As my good friend Glib Fortuna puts it:
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already onboard.
Recently, the ACLU set their doomsday clock at six minutes before midnight! Once it reaches the ‘dark hour’ of midnight…we will be slaves to the ominous and evil ’surviellance society’. This isn’t science fiction. This is typical scare tactics from the ACLU.
They prey upon the paranoid. This is how they get donations to fund their machine. They cry about "American citizens being spied upon" when in fact there is no evidence that anyone has been hurt by the government's terrorist surviellance program.
While the ACLU cry that they are the guardian's of liberty, and that privacy is one of those liberties....they have been exposed as being violators of that very liberty. They have a massive database of their own member's private financial information they use for soliciting donations.
The group’s new data collection practices were implemented without the board’s approval or knowledge and were in violation of the ACLU’s privacy policy at the time, according to Michael Meyers, vice president of the organization and a frequent internal critic. He said he had learned about the new research by accident Nov. 7 during a meeting of the committee that is organizing the group’s Biennial Conference in July.
He objected to the practices, and the next day, the privacy policy on the group’s Web site was changed. “They took out all the language that would show that they were violating their own policy,” Meyers said. “In doing so, they sanctified their procedure while still keeping it secret.”
Now the ACLU are proudly defending Rep. Larry Craig on grounds of privacy. In another recent case they are defending a "pre-operative transsexual" anatomically male's "right" to use the female public restroom. Terrence Jeffrey calls out the 'privacy hypocrisy' on this one.
"The government does not have a constitutionally sufficient justification for making private sex a crime," said the ACLU. "It follows that an invitation to have private sex is constitutionally protected and may not be made a crime. This is so even where the proposition occurs in a public place, whether in a bar or a restroom."
But then the ACLU went a step further, arguing that there is not only a right to solicit sex, but also to engage in it, in a public restroom.
"The Minnesota Supreme Court," said the ACLU, "has already ruled that two men engaged in sexual activity in a department store restroom with the stall door closed had a reasonable expectation of privacy. They were, the Court held, therefore acting in a private, not a public place."
The conflated logic of the ACLU's bathroom briefs seems to be that someone entering a public restroom intending to use it for traditional purposes has no protection either from the gender sign posted at the door or from the otherwise vaunted right to privacy. Someone entering a public restroom intending to solicit and engage in sex, on the other hand, is protected by both the First Amendment and the right to privacy.
What else would you expect from a group that embraces an ideology that holds that partially born babies have no right to keep their skulls intact?
Indeed. As my good friend Glib Fortuna puts it:
This about sums up the ACLU’s worldview. To the ACLU, the only “freedom” the ACLU truly believes in is “sexual freedom” and the concomitant “right” of people who choose aberrant sexual behavior to be free of any criticism and free from anyone else exercising common sense (and more threateningly, religious liberty) if it “infringes” on these “rights” recently invented by the ACLU and its partisans.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already onboard.
Katie Couric Publicly Confesses Her Profound Bias Against Bush Admin
Not only did CBS News anchor Katie Couric publicly confess her gross bias against the Bush administration, she implicated all the other "journalists" at the National Press Club [emphasis added]:
Update: Maybe I misunderstood Katie. Did she mean we were "misled" by the folks in this video?
Thanks to Good Lt. of The Jawa Report.
“Everyone in this room would agree that people in this country were misled in terms of the rationale of this war,” said Couric, adding that it is “pretty much accepted” that the war in Iraq was a mistake.While this admission of gross malfeasance from the media establishment is welcome, it's unclear whether the motivation was Katie's desire to be forthcoming in exposing her personal bias, or simple stupidity. I'm leaning toward stupidity.
Update: Maybe I misunderstood Katie. Did she mean we were "misled" by the folks in this video?
Thanks to Good Lt. of The Jawa Report.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Calvan Interruptus File
Below are the portions of Bobby Calvan's blog I was able to salvage. This post is made on October 25th, 2007, but post-dated to September 25, 2007 to preserve front page space.
Mission Interruptus
October 18, 2007
BAGHDAD, Iraq – I awoke from an hour’s slumber at 5 a.m. to prepare to join U.S. troops southeast of the country’s capital, in one of Iraq’s so-called buffer zones. I wiped away the crust from my lower eyelids and dragged myself into the shower.
I dressed, still bleary eyed. We were supposed to be out the door by 5:30 a.m. to make a 6 a.m. rendezvous with a military copter in the Green Zone.
I attended to last-minute details, and hastily put on my bulletproof vest. Whenever leaving the heavily guarded hotel compound, we are always to wear our vests.
We bounded out in the darkness. Our driver used the light from his cell phone to inspect the undercarriage of our armored Mercedes. Our chase car followed as we drove through a maze lined with concrete barricades and rifles.
We thought 30 minutes would be enough time to make it to the Green Zone. When we approached the Fourth of July Bridge, the span that separates the Green Zone from bomb-devastated neighborhoods, we hit the morning’s first roadblock.
The private keeping watch over the bridge said the span would not open until 7 a.m. He directed us to another route, requiring us to drive by shops and parked cars, any of which could be laden with explosives.
Our alternate route, we quickly learned, would also remain closed until 7 a.m.
The media officer’s voice was thick and groggy when I roused him from bed with a phone call. My trip would have to be rescheduled. The copter and crew who were to shuttle me to my destination, of which the specific location was still unknown to me, would have to depart without me.
Few things are seldom easy in Iraq. Careful planning can be undone by the smallest of oversights.
Unbeknownst to my security officer, Kevin, and the military media officer who helped arrange my embed, the rules of entry into the Green Zone had changed. Military personnel could come and go 24/7, but civilian traffic was now prohibited to mostly daylight hours.
Certainly, the botched plans were an inconvenience. In a war zone, oversights could lead to more than mere inconvenience. There were four lives out on the road that morning – mine and those of my security officer and two drivers. Who knows what else was out there.
Posted in Iraq No Comments »
Hola, Mis Amigos
October 18, 2007
BAGHDAD, Iraq – The man with the gun placed his fingers to the corners of his eyes and stretched them apart as another soldier inspected my U.S. passport.
“Chino,” said the first soldier.
“No,” I replied. “Yo soy Filipino.”
The second soldier chuckled as he listened to the playful dialogue.
“No, Chino,” the first soldier insisted with a laugh, again using his fingers to use his own face as a caricature.
“No soy Chino,” I reiterated.
“Tu, eres Mexicano?” I asked, turning the tables on him. I knew he was from Peru, as were the dozens of troops manning the entry into the Green Zone’s civic center, where I was to apply for my media credentials at the Combined Press Information Center run by the U.S. military.
The second soldier smiled appreciatively, mocking his comrade. He shook my hand. The first soldier motioned me to approach. He extended his hand for a shake and I accepted it gladly.
At several other checkpoints, I bantered freely with the Peruvian soldiers, who were spectacularly polite.
Standing in one line was a group of men who I was confident were of Filipino descent. Indeed they were. They were in Iraq as contract workers. I told one “kumusta” – hello – as he passed. He replied in Tagalog. I asked from where in the Philippines he was. I learned that his native language was Ilocano, like mine.
We conversed for a while, then went our separate ways when the security process was over.
The visit to the Green Zone was a mostly pleasant one. The trip, which began with the ordeal of putting on a bulletproof vest and going through ominous bombed-out streets, lifted my earlier jitters.
Posted in Iraq No Comments »
Dateline: BAGHDAD, Iraq
October 17, 2007
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Concrete barricades line the drive into town. Machine guns aimed at the ready. Columns of armored military vehicles shared the road as a steady flow of cars played cat and mouse along the route, once the world’s most harrowing drive because of mines, snipers and missiles.
Just outside the airport, panic filled the eyes of a harried woman dressed in black from head to toe as she stooped to quickly gather plastic water jugs that had tumbled from her arms while trying to cross the busy road.
Children kicked up dust as they played soccer on a patch of barren land strewn with rocks. Other people milled about in neighborhoods that would not have appeared so sorrowful had I not known of the bleak conditions throughout Baghdad’s grid of violent and deadly streets.
My driver hid his eyes behind sunglasses. Affable before the trip, he was now driving in silent concentration. I was forewarned not to distract him with chatter. My security guy, a veteran of the British military, scanned the road for trouble, occasionally breaking the silence with hushed commands to slow down or speed up. Now and then, he would turn toward me, instructing me on what I should do if trouble arrived.
Should a bomb explode near our vehicle, he said, I should fall to the floor and roll my body into a ball. I was instructed to sit away from the window of our Mercedes, which is far from luxurious. It is equipped not for luxury, but to keep its passengers safe from gunfire, bombs and the enemy, whoever they may be. The car’s windows are made of glass two inches thick and its underside supposedly able to withstand a grenade.
I wore a bulletproof vest, its heavy plates weighing down my shoulders beneath a loose-fitting shirt I wore to conceal the bulk. It took awhile to adjust my breathing.
Near the end of the flight into Baghdad international, I held my breath and stomach to steel myself for landing, a popular discussion among those new to flying into Iraq.
The landing felt like a dive out of the sky. The flight from Amman, Jordan – a commercial flight shuttling a cabin filled mostly with contractors – descended toward the runway in a steep corkscrew, ostensibly to thwart the steady aim of any would-be attackers. The touchdown was surprisingly smooth. The flight attendant thanked us for flying Royal Jordanian and wished us a pleasant stay in Baghdad.
Gun-toting soldiers monitored the runway. As lines formed at the immigration counter, Iraqi security personnel ordered several passengers out of the terminal. The relieved travelers returned several minutes later to report that dogs were used to inspect their bags.
Immigration was a breeze – the least trouble I’ve ever had. I already had a visa. After a final stamp in my U.S. passport , I headed to claim my baggage, two oversized bags bursting at the seams. My security detail wondered what I had packed. Did I plan to stay for an entire year?
My luggage was filled with a tangle of power cords and cables for my electronics. I also brought a sleeping bag, a few pairs of shoes, including boots, and a week’s worth of clothes. I brought some DVDs, including “Borat” and my favorite French movies.
I also took a compass, binoculars, flashlights, batteries, a pair of cameras, a voice recorder, a stack of notebooks, a few books and a ton of food, including boxes of tea, dozens of power bars, several cans of smoked oysters, beef jerky, boxes of macaroni and cheese and a few weeks’ supply of instant ramen noodles. My load certainly felt like a ton.
Perhaps it will be these small comforts brought from home that will help lighten whatever burdens weigh me down over the next six weeks.
Posted in Iraq 2 Comments »
Sleepless in Amman
October 16, 2007
AMMAN, Jordan — On the trip from the airport to downtown Amman, my driver asked if I was being sent to Baghdad against my will.
“No,” I chuckled. “I volunteered.”
He responded with a laughter that embarrassed me.
“You’re like those guys,” he said, and then stumbled for words. “Like those guys who climb Everest. How you say…”
I offered help: Crazy? Stupid? Nothing to live for?
“No,” he said with a second burst of laughter.
“Adventurous?” I suggested.
“Yes, you’re adventurous.”
My sense of adventure has always been a point of pride. But I was feeling anything but adventurous when I awoke Monday morning, the day I would board a flight to the Middle East to begin my assignment in Iraq. I awoke to the news that an Iraqi journalist working for the Washington Post was killed.
I looked at my passport. My Iraq visa is pasted on Page 13. Ominous, I thought. I would also be leaving on Oct. 15, my late father’s birthday.
For the past few days, there had been discussions about holding me a week in Washington, D.C., because of concerns over my safety. I would arrive in Iraq with the prospect of being the only U.S. journalist in our Baghdad bureau for nearly a week. A quirk in the scheduling had placed me and the bureau in a pridacament.
I have never covered a war. I have never supervised a staff whose native language I do not speak. I have never suddenly felt so overwhelmed and frustrated.
I assured my editors I would be fine, that I would stay out of trouble, that I’m accustomed to being thrown into the fire.
My editors were more concerned about gunfire. Bombs, too. And there was my relative inexperience. I have worked nearly two decades in journalism, but aside from covering crime in Detroit, I had never been in a truly hostile environment where I faced the real risk of getting killed.
The Washington bureau’s top editor talked about a social contract, that he needed a clear conscience about sending me out to cover the world’s biggest story. Had he done everything possible, he asked, to assure my safety? Was the company taking too many risks at my expense?
With or without a second U.S. journalist, the dangers would be the same, I told him. A colleague won’t be able to protect me from a missile flying into my window, I told him.
In the end, my editors decided to let me depart as scheduled.
Being a journalist means being a target. Being a journalist also means being in a state of denial. I know of the dangers. Anything can happen.
A colleague in Sacramento seemed to dismiss the dangers of arriving at Baghdad’s airport and the trip to the hotel. Yes, it will take an entourage to get me from the airport to the hotel. Yes, I will have to wear a bulletproof vest. (Bullet proof? I don’t want to test it.) Yes, there will be two cars that meet me, one to carry me and the other ready to drive like a bumper car to block any potential danger.
Reporting from a hotel room, too, has its risks. It is Iraq, after all, arguably the most dangerous place in the world. Two years ago, the hotel that houses our bureau – as well as those of several other news organizations, including the Los Angeles Times and NBC News, was attacked.
The truth is, I will not only be reporting from a hotel room. I will be going to the Green Zone, the heavily fortified district of Baghdad. I will be going on embeds with U.S. troops who are always a target.
Yes, journalists are targets, too. My colleague from the Washington Post is the latest to die. Nearly 120 journalists have died in Iraq, nearly 100 of them Iraqis.
I will be working with a staff of local journalists who risk their lives so I can get a byline. In most cases, their names will arrive at the very end of stories.
A colleague, who served months in Baghdad, demanded that I show my Iraqi colleagues respect. Without them, we would be lost. Without them, we could be dead, he said. My U.S. colleague recounted a harrowing experience in the early days of the war, when a crowd surrounded him. Factions in the crowd were arguing about who would abduct him.
His Iraqi colleague, one of the handful of courageous journalists who works for McClatchy’s Baghdad bureau, began reciting verses of the Koran. He spoke about the importance of showing hospitality to one’s visitors. The crowd suddenly became disoriented by his words, enough to distract the crowd and allow the journalists to get away.
My U.S. colleague reminded me not to take this assignment lightly, even if it required me to remain in the seemingly safe and comfy environment of my hotel room. On my final day in Washington, another colleague, a former chief of the bureau, spoke about how nerves keep her awake before returning into Iraq.
It is nearly 5 a.m. I am sleepless. I am exhausted. I am anxious. But more telling: I am excited.
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The Adventure Begins
October 9, 2007
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — It’s never too late to turn back. The message was drilled into me during war training. I’m off to cover the war in Iraq, but there is no turning back. The truth is, I don’t want to turn back.
I depart for the Middle East on Monday and will arrive in Baghdad on Wednesday. First, a stop in Washington, D.C., to attend to some administrative details, including a meeting with editors who will be giving me my marching orders while I’m in Iraq.
I’ve just learned that I may be alone in the Baghdad bureau. The bureau chief is taking a break and won’t be there when I arrive. Another reporter ships out the day after I land, enough time to show me around the hotel and hand over the keys. Another reporter, the former bureau chief, is expected to arrive the following week. I will have to hit the ground running.
It is already shaping up to be an adventure.
When I told my oldest sister I would be headed to Baghdad to cover the war, she responded with a pair of questions: “Are you depressed? Are you thinking of committing suicide?”
No, to both, I told her. Sure, maybe I am a little crazy, I told her.
My family has always questioned my judgment. So have others. Sometimes, I do too.
When my mother called, I was ready. I’d use the same responses I used to appease my sister’s worries. I won’t be covering the front lines. I’d be spending most of my time in a hotel. I’d be protected by a security detail. I won’t do anything crazy.
To my surprise, my mother’s biggest concern was whether I’d miss her 80th birthday celebration. I assured her that I would be there, in the Philippines, for her big day. She was sufficiently reassured and ended the conversation.
In the very least, good or bad, Iraq will be an adventure. It’s the world’s biggest story.
While I fret about the possible dangers, I am now more worried about how I will fare as a reporter. Will I have good story ideas? Will I be smart enough to make sense of such a complicated story? Will I remember names, and will I know how to spell them? Will I have the proper words at my fingertips to describe the unfolding drama in the theater of war?
I don’t know what to expect. I’ve talked to a few colleagues who have returned from their tour of duty in the Baghdad bureau of McClatchy Newspapers, which owns my paper, The Sacramento Bee.
Yes, it was certainly an adventure, my colleagues agreed. A once-in-a-lifetime experience. Some have already turned “once” into “several.” I’m still looking for my initiation into being a foreign correspondent — will reporting mostly from a hotel room count?
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• I'm a newspaper reporter for The Sacramento Bee, where I write about anything and everything -- from wayward whales, forest fires, the military and anything that can be topped with a byline. My current assignment: a tour of duty in Iraq for McClatchy Newspapers.
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Mission Interruptus
October 18, 2007
BAGHDAD, Iraq – I awoke from an hour’s slumber at 5 a.m. to prepare to join U.S. troops southeast of the country’s capital, in one of Iraq’s so-called buffer zones. I wiped away the crust from my lower eyelids and dragged myself into the shower.
I dressed, still bleary eyed. We were supposed to be out the door by 5:30 a.m. to make a 6 a.m. rendezvous with a military copter in the Green Zone.
I attended to last-minute details, and hastily put on my bulletproof vest. Whenever leaving the heavily guarded hotel compound, we are always to wear our vests.
We bounded out in the darkness. Our driver used the light from his cell phone to inspect the undercarriage of our armored Mercedes. Our chase car followed as we drove through a maze lined with concrete barricades and rifles.
We thought 30 minutes would be enough time to make it to the Green Zone. When we approached the Fourth of July Bridge, the span that separates the Green Zone from bomb-devastated neighborhoods, we hit the morning’s first roadblock.
The private keeping watch over the bridge said the span would not open until 7 a.m. He directed us to another route, requiring us to drive by shops and parked cars, any of which could be laden with explosives.
Our alternate route, we quickly learned, would also remain closed until 7 a.m.
The media officer’s voice was thick and groggy when I roused him from bed with a phone call. My trip would have to be rescheduled. The copter and crew who were to shuttle me to my destination, of which the specific location was still unknown to me, would have to depart without me.
Few things are seldom easy in Iraq. Careful planning can be undone by the smallest of oversights.
Unbeknownst to my security officer, Kevin, and the military media officer who helped arrange my embed, the rules of entry into the Green Zone had changed. Military personnel could come and go 24/7, but civilian traffic was now prohibited to mostly daylight hours.
Certainly, the botched plans were an inconvenience. In a war zone, oversights could lead to more than mere inconvenience. There were four lives out on the road that morning – mine and those of my security officer and two drivers. Who knows what else was out there.
Posted in Iraq No Comments »
Hola, Mis Amigos
October 18, 2007
BAGHDAD, Iraq – The man with the gun placed his fingers to the corners of his eyes and stretched them apart as another soldier inspected my U.S. passport.
“Chino,” said the first soldier.
“No,” I replied. “Yo soy Filipino.”
The second soldier chuckled as he listened to the playful dialogue.
“No, Chino,” the first soldier insisted with a laugh, again using his fingers to use his own face as a caricature.
“No soy Chino,” I reiterated.
“Tu, eres Mexicano?” I asked, turning the tables on him. I knew he was from Peru, as were the dozens of troops manning the entry into the Green Zone’s civic center, where I was to apply for my media credentials at the Combined Press Information Center run by the U.S. military.
The second soldier smiled appreciatively, mocking his comrade. He shook my hand. The first soldier motioned me to approach. He extended his hand for a shake and I accepted it gladly.
At several other checkpoints, I bantered freely with the Peruvian soldiers, who were spectacularly polite.
Standing in one line was a group of men who I was confident were of Filipino descent. Indeed they were. They were in Iraq as contract workers. I told one “kumusta” – hello – as he passed. He replied in Tagalog. I asked from where in the Philippines he was. I learned that his native language was Ilocano, like mine.
We conversed for a while, then went our separate ways when the security process was over.
The visit to the Green Zone was a mostly pleasant one. The trip, which began with the ordeal of putting on a bulletproof vest and going through ominous bombed-out streets, lifted my earlier jitters.
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Dateline: BAGHDAD, Iraq
October 17, 2007
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Concrete barricades line the drive into town. Machine guns aimed at the ready. Columns of armored military vehicles shared the road as a steady flow of cars played cat and mouse along the route, once the world’s most harrowing drive because of mines, snipers and missiles.
Just outside the airport, panic filled the eyes of a harried woman dressed in black from head to toe as she stooped to quickly gather plastic water jugs that had tumbled from her arms while trying to cross the busy road.
Children kicked up dust as they played soccer on a patch of barren land strewn with rocks. Other people milled about in neighborhoods that would not have appeared so sorrowful had I not known of the bleak conditions throughout Baghdad’s grid of violent and deadly streets.
My driver hid his eyes behind sunglasses. Affable before the trip, he was now driving in silent concentration. I was forewarned not to distract him with chatter. My security guy, a veteran of the British military, scanned the road for trouble, occasionally breaking the silence with hushed commands to slow down or speed up. Now and then, he would turn toward me, instructing me on what I should do if trouble arrived.
Should a bomb explode near our vehicle, he said, I should fall to the floor and roll my body into a ball. I was instructed to sit away from the window of our Mercedes, which is far from luxurious. It is equipped not for luxury, but to keep its passengers safe from gunfire, bombs and the enemy, whoever they may be. The car’s windows are made of glass two inches thick and its underside supposedly able to withstand a grenade.
I wore a bulletproof vest, its heavy plates weighing down my shoulders beneath a loose-fitting shirt I wore to conceal the bulk. It took awhile to adjust my breathing.
Near the end of the flight into Baghdad international, I held my breath and stomach to steel myself for landing, a popular discussion among those new to flying into Iraq.
The landing felt like a dive out of the sky. The flight from Amman, Jordan – a commercial flight shuttling a cabin filled mostly with contractors – descended toward the runway in a steep corkscrew, ostensibly to thwart the steady aim of any would-be attackers. The touchdown was surprisingly smooth. The flight attendant thanked us for flying Royal Jordanian and wished us a pleasant stay in Baghdad.
Gun-toting soldiers monitored the runway. As lines formed at the immigration counter, Iraqi security personnel ordered several passengers out of the terminal. The relieved travelers returned several minutes later to report that dogs were used to inspect their bags.
Immigration was a breeze – the least trouble I’ve ever had. I already had a visa. After a final stamp in my U.S. passport , I headed to claim my baggage, two oversized bags bursting at the seams. My security detail wondered what I had packed. Did I plan to stay for an entire year?
My luggage was filled with a tangle of power cords and cables for my electronics. I also brought a sleeping bag, a few pairs of shoes, including boots, and a week’s worth of clothes. I brought some DVDs, including “Borat” and my favorite French movies.
I also took a compass, binoculars, flashlights, batteries, a pair of cameras, a voice recorder, a stack of notebooks, a few books and a ton of food, including boxes of tea, dozens of power bars, several cans of smoked oysters, beef jerky, boxes of macaroni and cheese and a few weeks’ supply of instant ramen noodles. My load certainly felt like a ton.
Perhaps it will be these small comforts brought from home that will help lighten whatever burdens weigh me down over the next six weeks.
Posted in Iraq 2 Comments »
Sleepless in Amman
October 16, 2007
AMMAN, Jordan — On the trip from the airport to downtown Amman, my driver asked if I was being sent to Baghdad against my will.
“No,” I chuckled. “I volunteered.”
He responded with a laughter that embarrassed me.
“You’re like those guys,” he said, and then stumbled for words. “Like those guys who climb Everest. How you say…”
I offered help: Crazy? Stupid? Nothing to live for?
“No,” he said with a second burst of laughter.
“Adventurous?” I suggested.
“Yes, you’re adventurous.”
My sense of adventure has always been a point of pride. But I was feeling anything but adventurous when I awoke Monday morning, the day I would board a flight to the Middle East to begin my assignment in Iraq. I awoke to the news that an Iraqi journalist working for the Washington Post was killed.
I looked at my passport. My Iraq visa is pasted on Page 13. Ominous, I thought. I would also be leaving on Oct. 15, my late father’s birthday.
For the past few days, there had been discussions about holding me a week in Washington, D.C., because of concerns over my safety. I would arrive in Iraq with the prospect of being the only U.S. journalist in our Baghdad bureau for nearly a week. A quirk in the scheduling had placed me and the bureau in a pridacament.
I have never covered a war. I have never supervised a staff whose native language I do not speak. I have never suddenly felt so overwhelmed and frustrated.
I assured my editors I would be fine, that I would stay out of trouble, that I’m accustomed to being thrown into the fire.
My editors were more concerned about gunfire. Bombs, too. And there was my relative inexperience. I have worked nearly two decades in journalism, but aside from covering crime in Detroit, I had never been in a truly hostile environment where I faced the real risk of getting killed.
The Washington bureau’s top editor talked about a social contract, that he needed a clear conscience about sending me out to cover the world’s biggest story. Had he done everything possible, he asked, to assure my safety? Was the company taking too many risks at my expense?
With or without a second U.S. journalist, the dangers would be the same, I told him. A colleague won’t be able to protect me from a missile flying into my window, I told him.
In the end, my editors decided to let me depart as scheduled.
Being a journalist means being a target. Being a journalist also means being in a state of denial. I know of the dangers. Anything can happen.
A colleague in Sacramento seemed to dismiss the dangers of arriving at Baghdad’s airport and the trip to the hotel. Yes, it will take an entourage to get me from the airport to the hotel. Yes, I will have to wear a bulletproof vest. (Bullet proof? I don’t want to test it.) Yes, there will be two cars that meet me, one to carry me and the other ready to drive like a bumper car to block any potential danger.
Reporting from a hotel room, too, has its risks. It is Iraq, after all, arguably the most dangerous place in the world. Two years ago, the hotel that houses our bureau – as well as those of several other news organizations, including the Los Angeles Times and NBC News, was attacked.
The truth is, I will not only be reporting from a hotel room. I will be going to the Green Zone, the heavily fortified district of Baghdad. I will be going on embeds with U.S. troops who are always a target.
Yes, journalists are targets, too. My colleague from the Washington Post is the latest to die. Nearly 120 journalists have died in Iraq, nearly 100 of them Iraqis.
I will be working with a staff of local journalists who risk their lives so I can get a byline. In most cases, their names will arrive at the very end of stories.
A colleague, who served months in Baghdad, demanded that I show my Iraqi colleagues respect. Without them, we would be lost. Without them, we could be dead, he said. My U.S. colleague recounted a harrowing experience in the early days of the war, when a crowd surrounded him. Factions in the crowd were arguing about who would abduct him.
His Iraqi colleague, one of the handful of courageous journalists who works for McClatchy’s Baghdad bureau, began reciting verses of the Koran. He spoke about the importance of showing hospitality to one’s visitors. The crowd suddenly became disoriented by his words, enough to distract the crowd and allow the journalists to get away.
My U.S. colleague reminded me not to take this assignment lightly, even if it required me to remain in the seemingly safe and comfy environment of my hotel room. On my final day in Washington, another colleague, a former chief of the bureau, spoke about how nerves keep her awake before returning into Iraq.
It is nearly 5 a.m. I am sleepless. I am exhausted. I am anxious. But more telling: I am excited.
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The Adventure Begins
October 9, 2007
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — It’s never too late to turn back. The message was drilled into me during war training. I’m off to cover the war in Iraq, but there is no turning back. The truth is, I don’t want to turn back.
I depart for the Middle East on Monday and will arrive in Baghdad on Wednesday. First, a stop in Washington, D.C., to attend to some administrative details, including a meeting with editors who will be giving me my marching orders while I’m in Iraq.
I’ve just learned that I may be alone in the Baghdad bureau. The bureau chief is taking a break and won’t be there when I arrive. Another reporter ships out the day after I land, enough time to show me around the hotel and hand over the keys. Another reporter, the former bureau chief, is expected to arrive the following week. I will have to hit the ground running.
It is already shaping up to be an adventure.
When I told my oldest sister I would be headed to Baghdad to cover the war, she responded with a pair of questions: “Are you depressed? Are you thinking of committing suicide?”
No, to both, I told her. Sure, maybe I am a little crazy, I told her.
My family has always questioned my judgment. So have others. Sometimes, I do too.
When my mother called, I was ready. I’d use the same responses I used to appease my sister’s worries. I won’t be covering the front lines. I’d be spending most of my time in a hotel. I’d be protected by a security detail. I won’t do anything crazy.
To my surprise, my mother’s biggest concern was whether I’d miss her 80th birthday celebration. I assured her that I would be there, in the Philippines, for her big day. She was sufficiently reassured and ended the conversation.
In the very least, good or bad, Iraq will be an adventure. It’s the world’s biggest story.
While I fret about the possible dangers, I am now more worried about how I will fare as a reporter. Will I have good story ideas? Will I be smart enough to make sense of such a complicated story? Will I remember names, and will I know how to spell them? Will I have the proper words at my fingertips to describe the unfolding drama in the theater of war?
I don’t know what to expect. I’ve talked to a few colleagues who have returned from their tour of duty in the Baghdad bureau of McClatchy Newspapers, which owns my paper, The Sacramento Bee.
Yes, it was certainly an adventure, my colleagues agreed. A once-in-a-lifetime experience. Some have already turned “once” into “several.” I’m still looking for my initiation into being a foreign correspondent — will reporting mostly from a hotel room count?
Posted in Iraq 7 Comments »
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Monday, September 24, 2007
Ahmadinejad Verbally Ambushed by Columbia President
Did Columbia president Lee Bollinger plan to humiliate the Iranian madman all along, or did criticism of the invitation to the Holocaust-denying Iranian ruler motivate him?
I don't care. The result is priceless, and I applaud Bollinger for putting Ahmadinejad on the spot:
I don't care. The result is priceless, and I applaud Bollinger for putting Ahmadinejad on the spot:
NEW YORK - As hundreds protested outside, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took the stage at Columbia University on Monday after a blistering introduction from the school's president, who said the hard-line leader was a dictator with preposterous beliefs.
Ahmadinejad smiled as Columbia President Lee Bollinger took him to task over Iran's human-rights record and foreign policy, as well as Ahmadinejad's statements denying the Holocaust and calling for the disappearance of Israel.
"Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator," Bollinger said, to loud applause.
Can Some Reader Clarify Columbia U Prez's Remarks?
Columbia President Lee Bollinger said this on ABC's Good Morning, America:
"It's extremely important to know who the leaders are of countries that are your adversaries. To watch them to see how they think, to see how they reason or do not reason. To see whether they're fanatical, or to see whether they are sly."My question to readers is this: was Bollinger talking about Iranian ruler and goat pleasurer Ahmanutjob, or President Bush. It's so hard to tell with liberal whackjobs these days. Yes, I'm aware that "liberal whackjob" is pretty much a tautology, but I'm trying to be polite.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
UK Paper: Israelis Snatched Nork Nuke Material in Syria
From the Timesonline:
Via no-linky Drudge.
Israeli commandos seized nuclear material of North Korean origin during a daring raid on a secret military site in Syria before Israel bombed it this month, according to informed sources in Washington and Jerusalem.No word yet on when House majority leader Nancy Pelosi plans to visit Syria to apologize for the raid.
The attack was launched with American approval on September 6 after Washington was shown evidence the material was nuclear related, the well-placed sources say.
Via no-linky Drudge.
'They Have No Right To Be Able To Speak Here' - Updated
"They have no right to be able to speak here..." - Columbia junior Ryan Fukumori, after student criminals rushed the stage and forced security to escort Minutemen founder Jim Gilchrist away.
I'll bet the student Gestapo at Columbia has stifled legitimate debate more often than that. Of course, a free propaganda platform is just fine for worldclass terrorist assmonkey Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as far as Columbia is concerned.
This incident is one of two similar attacks on free speech by Columbia students that The Sixth Sense has discovered after "five minutes" of research.
Update: This is what a modern-day brownshirt looks like:

Ryan Fukumori, the Columbia anti-Constitutionalist quoted above.
I'll bet the student Gestapo at Columbia has stifled legitimate debate more often than that. Of course, a free propaganda platform is just fine for worldclass terrorist assmonkey Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as far as Columbia is concerned.
This incident is one of two similar attacks on free speech by Columbia students that The Sixth Sense has discovered after "five minutes" of research.
Update: This is what a modern-day brownshirt looks like:

Ryan Fukumori, the Columbia anti-Constitutionalist quoted above.
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Latest John Daly Rumor-Mongering
Thanks to the generosity of my daughter, I was able to attend several days of the Turning Stone Resort's PGA tournament (which explains why I haven't been blogging much this week) at the Oneidas' gorgeous Atunyote (uh-dune-yote: "eagle") championship golf course.
It was a bit disheartening to see that security for the event was simply window-dressing - not to single the Oneidas out - outside of airports, most security in America is just feelgood nonsense, and even some of what goes on inside airports, security-wise, is window-dressing.
Had I intended, I could have easily smuggled in most of the prohibited items listed, including firearms and explosives (the PGA seems most concerned about cell phones and blackberries).
Unfortunately, none of the "event security" people seemed to have had any training in using their outmoded handwands past the on-off button function. I've seen equally egregious security lapses at the Old State House in Boston and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. 9/11 hasn't taught us as much as we think.
But, on to the buzz about John Daly, one of the tournament's big name draws, and a man who is said to be a big fan of the hearty party. Daly withdrew from competition on the first day, Thursday, after seven holes (and three bogies). He was white as a sheet, gulping sports drinks, and looked ready to yark up his breakfast. Local radio announcers described his symptoms as "flu-like."
On the other hand, lots of folks at the tournament site today were saying that Daly had visited the Turning Stone casino on Wednesday night and walked out a quarter of a million dollars richer. Kind of like a top ten finish without having to actually walk the course four times. Only the IRS knows for sure if this could explain Big John's "flu-like" symptoms.
It was a bit disheartening to see that security for the event was simply window-dressing - not to single the Oneidas out - outside of airports, most security in America is just feelgood nonsense, and even some of what goes on inside airports, security-wise, is window-dressing.
Had I intended, I could have easily smuggled in most of the prohibited items listed, including firearms and explosives (the PGA seems most concerned about cell phones and blackberries).
Unfortunately, none of the "event security" people seemed to have had any training in using their outmoded handwands past the on-off button function. I've seen equally egregious security lapses at the Old State House in Boston and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. 9/11 hasn't taught us as much as we think.
But, on to the buzz about John Daly, one of the tournament's big name draws, and a man who is said to be a big fan of the hearty party. Daly withdrew from competition on the first day, Thursday, after seven holes (and three bogies). He was white as a sheet, gulping sports drinks, and looked ready to yark up his breakfast. Local radio announcers described his symptoms as "flu-like."
On the other hand, lots of folks at the tournament site today were saying that Daly had visited the Turning Stone casino on Wednesday night and walked out a quarter of a million dollars richer. Kind of like a top ten finish without having to actually walk the course four times. Only the IRS knows for sure if this could explain Big John's "flu-like" symptoms.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Little Hitler Denied
Iranian lunatic Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's request to tour Ground Zero has been denied by NYC officials:
NEW YORK -- Officials on Wednesday decided to reject the Iranian president's request to visit ground zero just weeks after the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.Mahmoud at Ground Zero? Just about as appropriate as a razorback hog visiting a mosque.
The decision came in a meeting that included representatives of the NYPD, the Secret Service and the Port Authority, according to police
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Ginger Gilbert Speaks On Media Coverage of Enemy Propaganda
Major Troy Gilbert's Widow Ginger Via The Arizona Republic:
Rusty has more here at The Jawa Report. Rusty's post on the video Mrs. gilbert is speaking of is here.
Shift and click for direct Link to video of Mrs. Gilbert's statement.
I've posted a few things at the Moisture Farm as well, so a search for Gilbert on the upper left there will have some results.
"When media chooses to use Troy's plane crash as a political catalyst to generate anti-war sentiment, it only serves to degrade the moral integrity my husband possessed and the morale of those still selflessly serving," Gilbert said at news conference at Glendale's Falcon Dunes Golf Course, across from Luke.Troy Gilbert's plane crashed in Iraq in November 2006. His body was removed from the scene. It has been desecrated and used in various productions by al-Furqan, al-Qaeda in Iraq's media wing.
"Every time the press lends credibility and significance to terrorist propaganda clearly designed to erode public support or questions the validity of our brave soldiers' selfless acts of service and the war itself," she added, "it only serves to damage our country from within its own borders and embolden those who would do us harm."
Rusty has more here at The Jawa Report. Rusty's post on the video Mrs. gilbert is speaking of is here.
Shift and click for direct Link to video of Mrs. Gilbert's statement.
I've posted a few things at the Moisture Farm as well, so a search for Gilbert on the upper left there will have some results.
The Imbecile Chronicles
Episode MMMLVII, Tased and Confused:
While this student may or may not have had his rights violated by the event organizers who cut off his mike, he was, quite clearly, tasered for resisting officers.
What a maroon.
GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- A University of Florida student was Tasered and arrested after trying to ask U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., about the 2004 election and other subjects during a campus forum.
While this student may or may not have had his rights violated by the event organizers who cut off his mike, he was, quite clearly, tasered for resisting officers.
What a maroon.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
We'll Never Forget
Hat Tip: Jedi Meditations.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Black Beard and Jihad
Oy! We jawas e missin Bluto so much dat Jane ,da bloody zionist wench,wrote the follerin. She gave me permission ta repost it here cause I do her favors, Aye?
Ahoy maties!
Robert of Jihad Watch explains Black Beard:
Thus the black beard dye from Yemen coordinates nicely with UBL's traditional Yemeni outfit. Tim Gunn would approve.
Aye scallywags, rascals and infidels, its almost Talk Like a Pirate Day. However you commie bastards, its not yet Talk like Jack Bauer Day.In case you need help, the website has A FEW TIPS DAMMIT!!!!!
-Make sure to yell very simple requests.
-Take a helicopter to work.
-Issue threats that involve family members and/or body parts.
-Always mention that you're running out of time.
-Carry a manpurse. Wear aviators. Don't do drugs.
-Carry around zip ties and a pair of pliers (because you never know).
-Keep a car battery and some jumper cables on your desk.
-Use your cell phone as much as possible. If the battery dies, just pretend it's still working.
-Use at least 5 exclamation points in every email!!!!
-Ask "Who are you working for!?" to as many people as possible.
Sooner or later we are going to need a Talk Like Bin Laden Day: You sons of pigs and dogs, Al-Qaeda will solve global warming by reverting to the stone age.
Ahoy maties!
Robert of Jihad Watch explains Black Beard:
The Shafi'i school of Islamic jurisprudence forbids men and women to dye their hair black "except when the intention is a show of strength to unbelievers" ('Umdat al-Salik e.4.4)...More at the post and, in the comments, this: Abu Dharr narrated the hadith, The best thing with which to dye gray hair is henna and katm. (Mentioned in Fath al-Bari.) Henna makes the hair red, while katm, a plant from Yemen, colors it black tinged with red.
Some scholars, on the other hand, do not consider the use of black dye as permissible except during time of war, when the enemy might be impressed by the fact that all the soldiers of the Muslim army look young."
I am not impressed. I think it makes him look like an aging lounge lizard. But the belligerent overtones should not be overlooked.
Thus the black beard dye from Yemen coordinates nicely with UBL's traditional Yemeni outfit. Tim Gunn would approve.
Aye scallywags, rascals and infidels, its almost Talk Like a Pirate Day. However you commie bastards, its not yet Talk like Jack Bauer Day.In case you need help, the website has A FEW TIPS DAMMIT!!!!!
-Make sure to yell very simple requests.
-Take a helicopter to work.
-Issue threats that involve family members and/or body parts.
-Always mention that you're running out of time.
-Carry a manpurse. Wear aviators. Don't do drugs.
-Carry around zip ties and a pair of pliers (because you never know).
-Keep a car battery and some jumper cables on your desk.
-Use your cell phone as much as possible. If the battery dies, just pretend it's still working.
-Use at least 5 exclamation points in every email!!!!
-Ask "Who are you working for!?" to as many people as possible.
Sooner or later we are going to need a Talk Like Bin Laden Day: You sons of pigs and dogs, Al-Qaeda will solve global warming by reverting to the stone age.
Video: Entire Osamba Bin Laden Video From 09/07/07
The Jawa Report has obtained a full length copy of al-Qaeda's new Osama Bin Laden message. More information and link to full transcript here.
****Must Cite The Jawa Report****I think, I'll share a copy with myself. I don't get to try that new blogger video upload because my copy is 200 megs. Maybe I'll have a smaller copy later if anyone needs one email me.
The Jawa Report has obtained a full length copy of the new Bin Laden video.
Friday, September 07, 2007
New Bin Laden Video
Hey, that's a pretty dark beard ya got there! Just for Men?
The video was intercepted by the White House even before Laura Mansfield has it. Apparently this scared the Jihadis shitless and they began taking down websites.
More details on the new Osama Bin Laden tape here at The Jawa Report.
The video was intercepted by the White House even before Laura Mansfield has it. Apparently this scared the Jihadis shitless and they began taking down websites.
Via FOXNEWS: Soon after Washington announced it had the video, all the Islamic militant Web sites that usually carry statements from Al Qaeda went down and were inaccessible, in an unprecedented shutdown.I've and idea how it was leaked. The Joooo, Adam Gadahn, is actually a Zionist Internet Spy, and leaked it. Hey, he's already betrayed his country, what did you expect OBL? How about you give him the old choppity chop for us.
The reason for the shutdown was not immediately known.
Evan H. Kohlmann, a terrorism expert at, said he suspected it was the work of Al Qaeda itself, trying to find how the video leaked to U.S. officials.
More details on the new Osama Bin Laden tape here at The Jawa Report.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Cyber Jihadi Wusses Out
The al-Qaeda supporting slime-bucket who ran The Ignored Puzzle of Knowledge on wordpress was starting to feel the heat. The mujahasbeen scumbag wussed out and deleted his own blog. It won't help him as the Zionist Internet Cabal has been watching him. He's toast baby. Expect and update with an arrest soon.
We have a little message for him.
Via The Jawa Report: I promised myself that I wouldn't give my 'friend' Inshallahshaheed from the Wordpress hosted al Qaeda support website The Ignored Puzzle of Knowledge' any more press than he deserves. Inshallahshaheed is at the center of a network of online jihadis that include convicted terrorist Daniel Joseph Maldonado, aka Daniel al Jughaifi. Wordpress continues to host the convicted terrorists website.Here's what his website looks like now.
After complaining to Wordpress on dozens and dozens of occasions about Inshallahshaheed I pretty much gave up on getting them to play ball. But I also knew that Inshallahshaheed was being investigated, not by the FBI, but by other interested parties. So I stopped writing about that particular website and even discouraged others (like Weasel Zip) from writing about it. Except, of course, in passing reference.
Earlier today, though, I noted that at Rabbi Abraham Cooper mentioned the website at a Simon Wiesenthal Center sponsored event. It now seems that the FBI are taking the website seriously. Finally.

Islamic Bedlam in Belgium
Young Muslim Radicals in Europe's capital are creating their own little caliphate where they enforce Sharia and ignore the laws of the land. Hmmmm, I wonder why the young man is so upset? Makes me wonder just what he is up to at his shoe stand.
Is it not about time that the citizens of Belgium create a little bedlam of their own? Put these "guests" in their place? Obviously being "tolerant" of these young peoples intolerance is not helping.
More here at Howie's Moisture Farm.
Via Brussels Journal: "Undercover in Little Morocco" is the name of a book written by the young Flemish journalist Hind Fraihi. She spent two months researching undercover among radical Muslims in Brussels. Among her shocking findings was the revelation that younger Muslims in particular are increasingly prone to violence, and not just in the cities.Here is a video taken by Miss Fraihi in a Muslim neighborhood. In the video young Islamist punks rule by threat of violence and the police fear to act to enforce the law.
Is it not about time that the citizens of Belgium create a little bedlam of their own? Put these "guests" in their place? Obviously being "tolerant" of these young peoples intolerance is not helping.
More here at Howie's Moisture Farm.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Ten Reasons To Stop The ACLU
I wanted to put something up for Labor Day here to get some inspirations sparked. For a while my priorities have been shifted. I want to announce that we will be more active in our original cause and want to thank everyone that has supported us thus far. To get our blogburst reinvigorated, I thought I'd pull out a that explains why we started and what we are all about...
Stop The ACLU was started on February 9th, 2004. We started with high hopes, and we realized we were facing a goliath. There were many reasons why we thought the ACLU needed to be countered, and they are numerous. We wanted to provide a way to inform the public of the ACLU's agenda, as the MSM sugar coated it. We wanted to be a central database for people to gather, exchange ideas, and get actively involved in real ways of stopping them. It is a monumental task, exhausting, time consuming, and often frustrating. But it is a fight worth fighting.
We would be nothing without our supporters. To all of you, we appreciate the continued support. We have called you to action and you have answered.
There are many reasons to stop the ACLU. For this blogburst I decided to list my top ten list.
10. The ACLU was founded by Communist, with communist ideals, communist goals, and they continue to impose a Communist like agenda on America daily. The founder of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin stated clearly...
9. The ACLU does not believe in the Second Amendment.
#8. Their outright hatred of the Boyscouts. They are currently doing everything in their power to hurt this organization. They attacked their free speech right to exclude gays, and are threatening schools, and fighting in court to get their charters shut down. The oppose the military supporting them, and will sue the pants off any school that attempts to charter them.
#7. The ACLU are pro-death. Not only is the ACLU Pro-abortion, it's the ACLU's top priority. It most definitely takes a backseat to free speech for the ACLU. As a matter of fact, the ACLU has fought against the free speech rights of those that oppose it. If its abortion or euthanasia, as long as its pro-death you can count on the ACLU to support it. The only exception to the ACLU's pro-death stance, is if it is a convicted criminal; in this case they are against death.
#6. The ACLU advocate open borders. Not only have the ACLU opposed the Minute Men, a group who are simply exercizing their freedom of speech, protesting and stepping up where the government is failing, but they have helped illegals cross the border.
#5. The ACLU is anti-Christian. The list is endless on this one. Under the guise of "seperation of Church and State", the ACLU have made a name for theirself on being rabidly anti-Christian. This is one area where they are most hypocritical. They oppose tax exemptions for all churches, but fight for them for Wiccans. They are against Christianity in school, but oddly remain silent as our children are taught to be Muslims. Whether its baby Jesus, ten commandments, or tiny crosses on county seals, the ACLU will be there to secularize America, and rewrite our history.
#4. The ACLU Opposes National Security. The ACLU have opposed almost every effort in the arena of national security. From the bird flu to bag searches, the ACLU have been against it. No matter what kind of search someone tries to do to protect people, the ACLU have proved they are against them across the board. Its kind of ironic that they don't practice the principles they preach.
#3. The ACLU Defend the enemy. They have a long history of this one. They defended the P.L.O. in 1985. They defended Quadafi in the 1980's. And they continue today. They have told Gitmo detainees they have the right to remain silent, as in not talking to interrogators. One issue that really disturbs me is their refusal of funds from organizations such as the United Way that were concerned the money would be used to support terrorism.
#2. The ACLU supports child porn distribution and child molesters like NAMBLA.
There is no doubt the The ACLU are perverting the Constitution.
#1. The ACLU fufills its agenda using my tax money. What more can I say on this one?
There are countless reasons the ACLU needs to be stopped. So don't just stand by and complain, do something. Get involved. Here are some ways you can get involved to help us stop the ACLU.
Support and donate to organizations fighting them in Court. Here are the ones at the forefront.
Alliance Defense Fund
Thomas More Law Center
Join the Stop The ACLU Coalition
Help us write Churches to get involved.
Tell your Congress to support the Public Expression of Relgion Act of 2005. This legislation seeks to limit attorney's fees in Establishment Clause cases to injunctive relief only.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.
Stop The ACLU was started on February 9th, 2004. We started with high hopes, and we realized we were facing a goliath. There were many reasons why we thought the ACLU needed to be countered, and they are numerous. We wanted to provide a way to inform the public of the ACLU's agenda, as the MSM sugar coated it. We wanted to be a central database for people to gather, exchange ideas, and get actively involved in real ways of stopping them. It is a monumental task, exhausting, time consuming, and often frustrating. But it is a fight worth fighting.
We would be nothing without our supporters. To all of you, we appreciate the continued support. We have called you to action and you have answered.
There are many reasons to stop the ACLU. For this blogburst I decided to list my top ten list.
10. The ACLU was founded by Communist, with communist ideals, communist goals, and they continue to impose a Communist like agenda on America daily. The founder of the ACLU, Roger Baldwin stated clearly...
My chief aversion is the system of greed, private profit, privilege and violence which makes up the control of the world today, and which has brought it to the tragic crisis of unprecedented hunger and unemployment�Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself�I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal."
9. The ACLU does not believe in the Second Amendment.
ACLU POLICY �The ACLU agrees with the Supreme Court�s long-standing interpretation of the Second Amendment [as set forth in the 1939 case, U.S. v. Miller] that the individual�s right to bear arms applies only to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated militia. Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected. Therefore, there is no constitutional impediment to the regulation of firearms.�ACLU Policy #47
#8. Their outright hatred of the Boyscouts. They are currently doing everything in their power to hurt this organization. They attacked their free speech right to exclude gays, and are threatening schools, and fighting in court to get their charters shut down. The oppose the military supporting them, and will sue the pants off any school that attempts to charter them.
#7. The ACLU are pro-death. Not only is the ACLU Pro-abortion, it's the ACLU's top priority. It most definitely takes a backseat to free speech for the ACLU. As a matter of fact, the ACLU has fought against the free speech rights of those that oppose it. If its abortion or euthanasia, as long as its pro-death you can count on the ACLU to support it. The only exception to the ACLU's pro-death stance, is if it is a convicted criminal; in this case they are against death.
#6. The ACLU advocate open borders. Not only have the ACLU opposed the Minute Men, a group who are simply exercizing their freedom of speech, protesting and stepping up where the government is failing, but they have helped illegals cross the border.
#5. The ACLU is anti-Christian. The list is endless on this one. Under the guise of "seperation of Church and State", the ACLU have made a name for theirself on being rabidly anti-Christian. This is one area where they are most hypocritical. They oppose tax exemptions for all churches, but fight for them for Wiccans. They are against Christianity in school, but oddly remain silent as our children are taught to be Muslims. Whether its baby Jesus, ten commandments, or tiny crosses on county seals, the ACLU will be there to secularize America, and rewrite our history.
#4. The ACLU Opposes National Security. The ACLU have opposed almost every effort in the arena of national security. From the bird flu to bag searches, the ACLU have been against it. No matter what kind of search someone tries to do to protect people, the ACLU have proved they are against them across the board. Its kind of ironic that they don't practice the principles they preach.
Take a walk into the NYCLU�s Manhattan headquarters - which it shares with other organizations - and you�ll find a sign warning visitors that all bags are subject to search.
#3. The ACLU Defend the enemy. They have a long history of this one. They defended the P.L.O. in 1985. They defended Quadafi in the 1980's. And they continue today. They have told Gitmo detainees they have the right to remain silent, as in not talking to interrogators. One issue that really disturbs me is their refusal of funds from organizations such as the United Way that were concerned the money would be used to support terrorism.
In October of 2004, the ACLU turned down $1.15 million in funding from two of it�s most generous and loyal contributors, the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, saying new anti-terrorism restrictions demanded by the institutions make it unable to accept their funds.
�The Ford Foundation now bars recipients of its funds from engaging in any activity that �promotes violence, terrorism, bigotry, or the destruction of any state.�
The Rockefeller Foundation�s provisions state that recipients of its funds may not �directly or indirectly engage in, promote, or support other organizations or individuals who engage in or promote terrorist activity.�
#2. The ACLU supports child porn distribution and child molesters like NAMBLA.
As legislative counsel for the ACLU in 1985, Barry Lynn told the U.S. Attorney General�s Commission on Pornography (of which Focus on the Family President Dr. James C. Dobson was a member) that child pornography was protected by the First Amendment. While production of child porn could be prevented by law, he argued, its distribution could not be.
There is no doubt the The ACLU are perverting the Constitution.
#1. The ACLU fufills its agenda using my tax money. What more can I say on this one?
There are countless reasons the ACLU needs to be stopped. So don't just stand by and complain, do something. Get involved. Here are some ways you can get involved to help us stop the ACLU.
Support and donate to organizations fighting them in Court. Here are the ones at the forefront.
Alliance Defense Fund
Thomas More Law Center
Join the Stop The ACLU Coalition
Help us write Churches to get involved.
Tell your Congress to support the Public Expression of Relgion Act of 2005. This legislation seeks to limit attorney's fees in Establishment Clause cases to injunctive relief only.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay at or Gribbit at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Knocking on The Cyber-Jihadi’s Door
Efforts to disrupt the DNS records for the terrorist web site World News Network has earned Rusty another Fatwa! A commenter from Texas was unhappy he could not access his fave web site and says, We’re gonna take you down.
Well, Dr. Rusty, maybe it is time we come for you and for other persecutors of Muslims. Many of these are in the news, and we know where they are.Bring it biyatches, Can’t you hear us knocking? All around your town.